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  • A student perspective on sustainable development in Portuguese higher education institutions
    Publication . Aleixo, Ana Marta; Azeiteiro, Ulisses M.; Leal, Susana
    This study presents a descriptive and exploratory research about the understanding of sustainable development (SD) among public higher education institutions’ students, in Portugal. It explores the student’s perspectives about SD through the analysis of their attitudes, skills and experiences on the theme. Their knowledge about sustainable development goals (SDGs) and their opinion about the importance of SD as future professionals were also under consideration. The research design of the study follows a descriptive and exploratory approach with a quantitative reporting of results. It was used an on-line questionnaire, adapted, majority, from the National Union Students (2018), to obtain the data. A sample of 1257 students from the Portuguese public higher education institutions (HEIs) was obtained. Students consider that HEIs can do more in terms of education for SD, namely: (i) offer free SD courses/workshops; (ii) streamline/develop actions on SD; (iii) encourage volunteer actions in the community, and (iv) promote student participation in practical on-campus actions. Students also consider that secondary education was the educational path that most encouraged to think and act in ways that help the environment and people. Most students already have heard about SDGs and know what they are, however, only a small number of students are actively involved in activities organized by their HEI. This research has a national scope and the results should be interpreted only in the Portuguese context. Future studies should include a larger range of institutional actors within the faculty. The research aimed to better understanding student’s attitudes, skills and experiences of SD and SDG´s. This study provides valuable insights for future implementation processes supporting the integration to sustainability in HEIs. The results could be used by HEIs to introduce the SD topics in formal and informal education, as well as to improve it integration on campus activities.
  • Immunological parameters in burns
    Publication . Cardoso, Susana; Cabral, Luis; Cruzeiro, Celso; Garção, Fátima; Santos Rosa, Manuel
    Introduction: The activation of a pro-inflammatory cascade induced by burn injury seems to be an important mechanism in the development of sepsis and multiple organ failure. Most studies refer to a deregulation of macrophages activity and changes of cytokines Th1/Th2. However, there is no pattern evolution for the various situations. Methods: For this preliminary and exploratory prospective study, we intend to select about 20-30 patients, from the age of 25 to 50, second and third degree burnt, more than 20% TBSA (total burned surface area) and interior to 60%. All these patients are submitted to balneotherapy and surgical treatment (grafting). The analysed parameters are the cytokines IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, IL-12 and complement. The monitoring is initiated very precociously (immediately after admission) and repeated three days after and with one week intervals. Samples can eventually be collected when clinical report justifies. Results and Conclusion: The aim of our study is to give an overview about immunological alterations in severely burned patients, correlating with burned area, gender, post-burn evolution and fatality in order to identify prognostic indicators. Thus, the present study and more comprehensive understanding of the phenomena will hopefully provide a precocious detection of the more serious situations. A small group of patients are submitted to IVIG treatment to investigate the utility of this therapeutic strategy.
  • The sustainable development in Portuguese higher education institutions: An exploratory study of students' perceptions
    Publication . Aleixo, Ana Marta; Leal, Susana; Azeiteiro, Ulisses
    Purpose: This study presents a descriptive and exploratory research about the understanding of sustainable development (SD) among public higher education institutions’ students, in Portugal. It explores the student’s perspectives about SD through the analysis of their attitudes, skills and experiences on the theme. Their knowledge about sustainable development goals (SDGs), and their opinion about the importance of SD as future professionals were also under consideration. Method: The research design of the study follows a descriptive and exploratory approach with a quantitative reporting of results. It was used an on-line questionnaire, adapted from the National Union Students (2018), to obtain the data. A sample of 1257 students from the Portuguese public higher education institutions (HEIs) was obtained. Findings: Students consider that HEIs can do more in terms of education for SD namely: (i) offer free SD courses/workshops; (ii) streamline/develop actions on SD; (iii) encourage volunteer actions in the community, and (iv) promote student participation in practical on-campus actions. Students also consider that secondary education was the educational path that most encouraged to think and act in ways that help the environment and people. Most students already have heard about SDGs and know what they are, however, only a small number of students are actively involved in activities organized by their HEI. Research limitations: This research has a national scope. Social implications: This study provides valuable insights for future implementation processes supporting the integration to sustainability in HEIs. Originality/value: The study helps to better understand the students’ perceptions about SD and the role of HEIs to improve it, namely in Portugal where the studies about the theme are scarce. The results could be used by HEIs to introduce the SD topics in formal and informal education, as well as to improve it integration on campus activities.
  • A implementação dos objetivos do desenvolvimento sustentável no ensino superior português
    Publication . Aleixo, Ana Marta; Azeiteiro, Ulisses M.; Leal, Susana
    A educação para o desenvolvimento sustentável (DS) encontra-se no centro da Agenda 2030 para o DS (Nações Unidas, 2015) e dos seus dezassete objetivos (Leicht, Heiss & Byun, 2018). A meta 4.7 dos objetivos do desenvolvimento sustentável (ODS), que visa que todos os estudantes adquiram os conhecimentos e competências necessárias para promover o DS, realça o contributo que as instituições de ensino superior podem ter no alcance dos ODS (UNESCO, 2017). Este trabalho estuda a implementação dos ODS no ensino superior público português, e tem por objetivos analisar: (a) como os ODS têm sido integrados nas instituições de ensino superior públicas portuguesas, nomeadamente ao nível dos cursos de licenciatura e mestrado, e (b) se as instituições de ensino superior públicas portuguesas estão preparadas para responder ao repto lançado pelas Nações Unidas (2015) para a promoção do desenvolvimento sustentável. Através de uma análise de conteúdo das designações e objetivos dos cursos de licenciatura e mestrado investigou-se se a oferta formativa de ensino superior pública portuguesa está alinhada com os ODS definidos em 2015. Considerou-se na análise os 2556 cursos (957 licenciaturas e 1599 mestrados) registados na oferta formativa pública das 33 instituições de ensino superiores portuguesas (14 universidades e 19 politécnicos). Os cursos de doutoramento e os cursos técnicos superiores profissionais não foram contemplados na análise. Os resultados mostram que: (a) menos de 10% dos 2556 cursos de licenciatura e mestrado abordam diretamente pelo menos um ODS; (b) as universidades, quando comparadas com os politécnicos, apresentam mais cursos que abordam de forma explícita pelo menos um ODS; (c) existem mais cursos de mestrado a abordar explicitamente os ODS do que licenciaturas; e (d) a maioria dos cursos que abordam os ODS são das áreas das ciências sociais e humanidades, e das ciências naturais e do ambiente. Nas universidades, os ODS mais frequentemente considerados nos seus cursos de licenciatura e mestrado são: (a) ODS 7 – Energias Renováveis e Acessíveis (n:22; 1,4% do total dos cursos de licenciatura e mestrado nas universidades); (b) ODS 15 – Proteger a Vida Terrestre (n:22; 1,4%); (c) ODS 6 – Água Potável e Saneamento (n:18; 1,1%). Nos politécnicos, os ODS mais frequentemente considerados nos seus cursos de licenciatura e mestrado são: (a) ODS 15 – Proteger a Vida Terrestre (n:15; 1,6% do total dos cursos de licenciatura e mestrado nos politécnicos); (b) ODS 7 – Energias Renováveis e Acessíveis (n:14; 1,5%); (c) ODS 4 – Educação de Qualidade (n:13; 1,4%). Nos cursos de licenciatura, os ODS mais frequentemente considerados são: (a) ODS 7 – Energias Renováveis e Acessíveis (n:13; 1,4% do total dos cursos de licenciatura no ensino superior público português); (b) ODS 15 – Proteger a Vida Terrestre (n:11; 1,1%); (c) ODS 6 – Água Potável e Saneamento (n:9; 0,9%). Nos cursos de mestrado, os ODS mais frequentemente considerados são: (a) ODS 15 – Proteger a Vida Terrestre (n:26; 1,6% do total dos cursos de mestrado); (b) ODS 7 – Energias Renováveis e Acessíveis (n:23; 1,4%); (c) ODS 3 – Saúde de Qualidade (n:22; 1,4%). Este trabalho contribui para aumentar a sensibilização das instituições de ensino superior quanto ao seu papel e responsabilidade na promoção do desenvolvimento sustentável. Os resultados mostram que apenas uma reduzida parte dos cursos de licenciatura e mestrado estão explicitamente alinhados com os ODS, o que sugere a necessidade das políticas públicas portuguesas, na área do ensino superior, reforçarem o desenvolvimento dos ODS através da sua oferta formativa.
  • The role of higher education institutions (HEIs) in the path to sustainability: analysis of sustainable development goals (SDGs) from a scientific perspective
    Publication . Bautista-Puig, Núria; Aleixo, Ana Marta; Sanz-Casado, Elias; Azeiteiro, Ulisses
    The sustainable development goals (SDGs) are presented as the promising and critical success to respond to the societal challenges in worldwide. It supposes a change in comparison with the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs): all countries and all stakeholders (e.g. enterprises, organizations, civil society, policy-makers…) need to be involved (lemma ‘No one left behind") in the path towards sustainability (Brown, 2006). On this regard, as Salvia (2019) stated success of the SDGs will depend on the strong collaboration between the different actors. In 2017, Walter Leal Filho, Ulisses Miranda Azeiteiro, et al. (2017) refers to the SDGs as an opportunity to encourage sustainability research, reviewing the importance given to the research of the SDGs', which SDGs have already been implemented and in which countries. One of the central actors is higher education institutions (HEIs) who have the lead to respond to this enormous challenge. In this regard, they should be leaders in the search for solutions and alternatives to current environmental problems and agents of change (Hesselbarth and Schaltegger, 2014). The University within the framework of the 2030 Agenda can collaborate through teaching, research, knowledge transfer and innovation in promoting policies of sustainability and commitment not only to the environment but also to the achievement of all other sustainable goals (e.g. eradication of hunger and poverty extreme, health and well-being, quality education…). On this regard, authors such as Leal (2019) states that it is important to align universities with the research on SDGs. About this pillar, one way to analyze how universities are doing research on this topic is through bibliometric studies. There are different studies that analyze sustainability or sustainable development (Hassan and Zhu, 2014, Olawumi and Chan, 2018) as well as in universities (Bizerril, 2018). However, few studies have analyzed the production specifically on SDGs at Universities. Nakamura (2019) analyzes 2,800 documents related to the SDGs, as well as topic analysis. On the other hand, Bautista-Puig (2019) analyzes the core of scientific production on the MDGs and the SDGs with 4,532 2 documents and highlights the growth in the last 4 years, which coincides with the launch of the SDGs, in addition to the interrelations between the different SDGs. This study analyzes the scientific output of development goals research from 2000-2017 based on Web of Science, with the aim to map the global research of sustainability at HEIs. A total of 25,185 bibliographic records were analyzed. The purpose of this paper is to present a comprehensive review of the literature of HEIs about the research that these institutions are doing related to MDGs and SDGs. This paper also analyzes the topics in which are involved based on keyword co-occurrence classification of the SDGs by creating an ad-hoc glossary. The findings reveal the important participation of HEIs on this research (85.71%) and an increase of participation over time (660 institutions in 2000-2005 to 1771 institutions involved in 2012-2017). In terms of specialization measured by an Activity Index (AI), some institutions present a higher production and a higher specialization on the topic; however, others present less production but higher specialization. Regarding the topics, health (especially in developing countries), women and socio-economic aspects are the most prominent ones. Moreover, it is observed an increase of the topics related to the launch of the SDGs, including topics such as governance or policy denoting the increase of the political interest on those issues. This study provides an overview of how Universities are doing research on SDGs to respond to major societal challenges and could be useful for the policymakers in order to promote the research agenda on this topic.
  • O papel da gastronomia na animação turística em espaços rurais
    Publication . Oliveira, Simão
    O papel da gastronomia na animação turística. Fundamentos teóricos e estudos de caso em Portugal.