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  • Perceções dos estudantes acerca do regime blended learning: estudo de caso
    Publication . Chagas, Laura; Cardoso, Paula
    Este estudo incide sobre a perceção dos estudantes de dois cursos de mestrado de uma instituição portuguesa de ensino superior público acerca da modalidade blended learning, nomeadamente em relação às principais razões que os levam a optar por este regime, às perceções das suas vantagens e desvantagens, assim como as metodologias e ferramentas mais utilizadas pelos docentes. Através de uma metodologia quantitativa, os dados foram recolhidos a partir de um inquérito por questionário. Os resultados provisórios indicam que as perceções dos estudantes relativamente ao regime de b-learning são positivas. No que diz respeito às metodologias e ferramentas utilizadas, existe ainda algum caminho a percorrer no sentido de recorrer a metodologias e ferramentas mais diversificadas.
  • Rubrics as Active Learning Tools
    Publication . Cardoso, Paula
    Rubrics are traditionally considered as assessment tools that facilitate the learning assessment process, both for teachers and students. However, more than helping promote an assessment tool for authentic learning, it can be one of the main active learning tools. Students will not only read the assessment rubrics precreated by teachers, but they are invited to collaboratively create it, thus becoming even more engaged with their learning process right from the beginning. This idea will explain, step by step, how to successfully involve students into rubric building and reflect on their future learning, instead of only reflecting on their previous work.
  • I Give You Mobility
    Publication . Cardoso, Paula; Sousa, Ana
    Final Report: The project entitled “I Give you Mobility” was created to address the need to bring mobility to the homes of users of the Home Support Service provided by the Private Institution of Social Solidarity, Fonte Santa , Centro Social da Serra do Bouro.
  • How to innovate and strengthen management accounting in a family restaurant business
    Publication . Campos, Filipa; Santos, Luís Lima; Gomes, Conceição
    The aim of the chapter is to implement the adjusted USAR (Uniform System of Accounts for Restaurants) in a family restaurant business to provide more powerful operational and financial information, through the innovation of this type of financial tools. The restaurant sector has been recording historical highs in terms of its contribution to countries’ economies, and academic research on this sector has also been developing positively. This sector is characterised by many small companies, most of which are family-owned, whose main objective is to maximise profit. The cost and income information are extremely important for decision-making and achieving this goal. This information should be treated in a particular way since this is a sector with some particularities and due to the adverse reactions of managers. Based on the literature review, research questions were formulated. The qualitative methodology was used to promote a deeper understanding of the practices applied in family restaurant companies and of how to innovate and strengthen them. The aim is to study the social phenomenon in depth to understand the reactions of family restaurant managers to the change of cost information processing. The method adopted was an exploratory case study to study the implementation of USAR in a real environment and to verify its viability. A single case study was chosen since family restaurant businesses have the same characteristics and only the managers’ personalities change. In this case study, several sources of evidence were used, such as documentation, interviews, participant observation, and archival records. Then, the structure of its operations, accounting information on costs and incomes, and the adopted management control practices were analyzed. The results supported that the implementation of control and management systems in the restaurant sector allows for more effective management. USAR demands greater precision and detail at the operational and financial levels. The case study in a family-managed restaurant allowed the implementation of USAR with some adaptations, such as removing several detailed supporting schedules and reducing items from other statements. All research questions were answered, and this study will help restaurant owners to improve their income and control their costs more effectively, and make innovative decisions based on the information obtained. The implementation of USAR, as an innovative model, provides a more realistic vision of the whole operation and all the financial information and presents advantages. However, the lack of knowledge of managers and employees about the basic principles of management accounting can influence the success of the process.
  • Achieving a competitive management in micro and small independent hotels
    Publication . Santos, Luís Lima; Gomes, Conceição; Malheiros, Cátia
    The lodging industry is a crucial contributor to global tourism revenues in many countries. A significant part of hotel revenues comes from micro and small hotel companies not belonging to global brands. The aim of this chapter is to propose new tools – based on USALI and on the most relevant operating ratios – to support the management of micro and small hotels that are not integrated into hotel chains. The methodology starts with literature review, which allowed to point out some USALI schedules that are not being used, a lot of items of USALI schedules without relevance and a set of operating ratios and indicators highlighted by researchers and professionals. The first result consists in the proposal of seven simplified hospitality management accounting schedules (revenue and cost items). The second result is an operating scorecard that includes the ratios and indicators useful for micro and small independent hotels.
  • Empregabilidade e ensino superior: o estudo de caso do mestrado em Gestão e Direção Hoteleira - ESTM
    Publication . Viana, Ana Sofia; Pais, Sónia; Sousa, Ana Elisa; Schön, Michael
    Empregabilidade é uma meta para todos aqueles que fazem um mestrado ou outro curso superior. No entanto, mais importante do que conseguir um bom emprego é encontrar o emprego para o qual os estudantes foram preparados durante os estudos e permitir-lhes alcançar a carreira que desejam/ambicionam. Neste sentido, o mestrado em Gestão e Direção Hoteleira da Escola Superior de Turismo e Tecnologia do Mar (ESTM) do Politécnico de Leiria foi projetado para permitir que os estudantes desenvolvessem competências organizacionais das muitas responsabilidades operacionais necessárias para gerir um hotel e que estão ligadas a conceitos práticos da tomada de decisões de gestão. Para preparar melhor os estudantes para o que o mercado de trabalho precisa e os empregadores desejam, é importante entender como o mercado de trabalho recebeu os estudantes após a graduação e se os empregadores reconheceram essas qualificações. Portanto, o objetivo deste estudo foi saber onde estão os mestres e o que estão a fazer no mercado de trabalho após o término deste mestrado, se sentem que a graduação foi importante e se lhes deu alguma vantagem no alcance de melhores posições de trabalho. Foi aplicado um método quantitativo a este estudo através da realização de um questionário a 19 mestres em Gestão e Direção Hoteleira. Os resultados mostraram que apesar do esforço das instituições de ensino superior procurarem, através dos mestrados, dar maiores competências aos futuros recursos humanos das organizações, a maioria das organizações ainda não reconhece nem valoriza muito estas formações.
  • Determinantes do TRevPAR: uma análise dos hotéis portugueses entre 2010 e 2017
    Publication . Rolim, Maria; Malheiros, Cátia; Gomes, Conceição; Santos, Luís Lima
    TRevPAR is one of the most important operating ratios of hotel management accounting, which measures an hotel's performance, not only in terms of accommodation, but considering all its current earnings, given the increase in diversification of hotel income sources. In this paper, it will be analysed TRevPAR (total revenue per available room) of Portuguese Hotels with and without restaurant, by district, between 2010 and 2017. Based on the results obtained in two different surveys. The first, performed in the SABI platform, on July 4, 2019, and the second, held on the Registo Nacional de Turismo (RNET), between July 5 and 15, 2019. From that survey a sample of 955 active hotel companies was obtained, with two economic activity codes (CAE), “55111 - Hotels with restaurant” and “55121 - Hotels without restaurant”. Once TRevPAR is calculated by dividing the total revenue of a hotel by the total number of rooms available, elements obtained in the previous research were used to calculate this indicator. Later they were analysed, considering the factors location, size and whether or not the hotel has a restaurant. The overall results point to an increase in TRevPAR over the years under review (2010-2017), also indicating that factors such as location and whether to own a restaurant significantly influence TRevPAR. Regarding the size of the hotels, it was found out that TRevPAR is positively influenced.
  • The impact of the European Wine City 2018: Torres Vedras / Alenquer (CEV) in the local stakeholders
    Publication . Ramos, Dulcineia; Penetra, Rui
    Events can have a very positive impact on the image of a destination. Wine tourism events can be distinguished as holders of special and peculiar characteristics that bring us to "authenticity" and experimentation. These are essential criteria for the success of a tourism product. In this sequence, the objective will be to determine the Impact of the European Wine City 2018 - Torres Vedras / Alenquer (CEV). The main goals of this investigation will be to determine the general impact of the European Wine City 2018 - Torres Vedras / Alenquer not only through the application of surveys to local agents and partners, but also through the evaluation of the associated media clipping.
  • Environmental awareness of surf tourists: The case study of Peniche, Portugal
    Publication . Springwald, Sarah; Jorge, João Paulo; Ramos, Dulcineia; Viana, Ana Sofia
    The sustainability of surf destinations has gained considerable attention over the last decades and surfers have been identified as key stakeholders for the planning and development of sustainable surf tourism. In order to achieve changes in people’s behavior, it is important to gain insights into their beliefs and values and how these influence their decisions. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to assess surf tourists´ environmental awareness by using the revised NEP scale (Dunlap et al. 2000) and additional questions, and thus, simultaneously enlightening the contradictory relationship between the representation of surfers and the environment, and further contribute to sustainable surf tourism planning and development. A quantitative method was applied to this study by conducting a questionnaire amongst 145 surf tourists in Peniche, Portugal. The results show, contrary to other studies and the representation throughout media, that surf tourists do not identify with the term environmentalist. Nevertheless, they have a strong ecological worldview, meaning that they have an environmental awareness in a broader sense. The majority of the respondents display a mid-ecological to pro-ecological attitude. However, when it comes to surf related issues and the environment, it seems that there is a lack of awareness. Further, it shows that there is a high willingness to advocate for the environment, however, it became also evident that there is a lack of knowledge on how to advocate for the environment amongst most respondents. Thus, the findings suggest that there is a need to educate and engage surf tourists.
  • Assessing the liquidity in Portuguese hotel companies
    Publication . Silva, Catarina; Santos, Luís Lima; Gomes, Conceição; Malheiros, Cátia
    The hospitality companies have had substantial growth in the tourism sector which gives them a large part of the revenue generated by the sector. In this regard, its impact, whether negative or positive, is quite high and generates a response to a need felt by agents of the environment in which it operates. As a short-term sustainability indicator, the liquidity level of a company demonstrates its ability to repay its obligations, being a great management support for decision making and anticipation of financial problems that may arise. Considering the volatility of hotel companies, greater importance is given to the study of liquidity. The main liquidity ratios of Portuguese hotels in the 2010-2017 period will be analysed; data was collected on July 4, 2019, on the SABI platform and the original sample is composed of 2161 hotel companies registered with two Portuguese economic activity codes (CAE), “55111 - Hotels with restaurant” and “55121 - Hotels without restaurant”. The assessment of liquidity level will be important to decision makers understand if there are differences between hotels with or without restaurant and among the Portuguese districts were hotels are located. The results of this study are expected to be of assistance to hotel managers as decisions taken within the organization can be more deliberate and informed.