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  • Chat GPT in Foreign Language Learning: A Short Experiment With Tourism Students
    Publication . Chagas, Laura
    ChatGPT presents significative potential as a versatile tool for foreign language learning, particularly for improving reading and writing skills, so in the context of higher education, it is important to find out how to take advantage of it, especially for argumentative writing, which involves a higher-order thinking skill. To explore the practicality and benefits of integrating ChatGPT into the pedagogical framework, a quantitative study was conducted involving 38 undergraduate Tourism students. The central focus of the investigation is to gauge their perceptions of ChatGPT as a supplementary tool for English language learning. This is assessed through their experiences engaging in discussions with the chatbot. The results of the study reveal that students not only find ChatGPT to be a valuable asset in their English language learning journey but also recommend its use within the classroom setting. The positive feedback underscores the potential of ChatGPT as an effective aid in language acquisition. Research shows that the use of Chat CPT can bring numerous advantages but requires careful consideration of ethical and academic principles, so a few suggestions are given in this context.
  • Circular Economy and the Tourism Industry
    Publication . Costa, Berta José Fernandes; Rodrigues, Susana Cristina Serrano Fernandes; Pacheco, Pilar Moreno
    The tourism industry has been growing at a remarkable rate and emerging as one of the major social and economic industries, and consequently one that boosts economic development that mostly supports countries’ gross domestic product (GDP). At the same time, it stands out as an industry which activities generate a considerable negative impact on the environment as it is configured according to the linear model of production and consumption, in which products are disposed of after usage, causing massive waste. From this standpoint, circular economy (CE) materializes as a new strategy, as it balances economic progress with the sustainable use of natural resources.In this regard, the purpose of this research document is to outline the conceptual dimension of CE and its principles, and propose a conceptual model which may allow the tourism sector to transform itself into a more sustainable industry and one which may succeed in generating multidisciplinary benefits and in parallel mitigate environmental, social and economic constrains. For this purpose, a literature review was carried out, as a means to highlight the tourism industry as one of the sectors which may contribute significantly and positively to the implementation of the long expected circular economy, where stock value is maintained in economy for the longest period of time.
  • Demystifying neurotourism: An interdisciplinary approach and research agenda
    Publication . Cardoso, Lucília; Araújo, Arthur; Silva, Rui; Almeida, Giovana Goretti Feijó de; Campos, Filipa; Santos, Luís Lima
    The academic discourse surrounding tourism's interdisciplinary approach has long piqued the interest of the scholarly community. More recently, attention has pivoted towards the intersection of neuroscience and neuromarketing within the realm of tourism, giving rise to the concept of “neurotourism”. This emergence requires a comprehensive elucidation of the relevance of neuromarketing and neuroscience to the field of tourism, thereby addressing the imperative to bridge existing knowledge gaps. In light of this, the present paper endeavours to fulfil this objective by synthesizing global research in this domain. The study adopts an interdisciplinary approach, employing a hybrid systematic review methodology that encompasses a literature review encompassing nine key indicators and a bibliometric analysis through co-word analysis of author keywords. In total, our investigation unearthed 45 papers from Scopus, each exploring the application of neuroscience and neuromarketing theories and methods within the context of tourism. Among these, three papers delve into the concept of neurotourism. In this paper, we underscore the deep connection between neuroscience, neuroscientific methodologies, and neuromarketing within the realm of tourism research. The outcomes of this research significantly enhance our comprehension of the current state of neurotourism research, revealing both existing voids and emerging areas of interest. Furthermore, this study introduces a pioneering methodological approach, fusing Scival topic prominence and hybrid systematic review techniques into bibliometric analysis. Ultimately, our findings illuminate a notable research lacuna, presenting a fertile terrain for prospective investigations. Additionally, we deliberate on current trends and propose directions for future research within the neurotourism landscape.
  • Gestão de spas: USFRS vs USALI na ótica do apoio à decisão
    Publication . Campos, Filipa; Gomes, Conceição; Ferreira, Cátia; Santos, Luís Lima
    Este estudo tem como objetivo analisar e comparar dois sistemas contabilísticos: o Uniform System of Financial Reporting for Spas (USFRS) e o Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry (USALI) na perspetiva de evidenciar a utilidade de ambos no apoio à decisão. Estes sistemas oferecem demonstrações financeiras e operacionais que auxiliam os gestores e colaboradores a obter informações para tomarem decisões mais eficientes. Os objetivos específicos incluem a análise comparativa das demonstrações operacionais resumo e das demonstrações departamentais, bem como o estabelecimento de relações entre os dois sistemas. A metodologia utilizada neste estudo é qualitativa, utilizando a pesquisa documental para coleta de dados. Para tratamento dos dados foi utilizado o método comparativo. Os resultados destacam as principais diferenças e semelhanças entre o USFRS e o USALI, com foco nas demonstrações operacionais resumo, demonstrações departamentais e rácios. Enquanto o USALI prioriza a seção de alojamento e de alimentação e bebidas, o USFRS apresenta seções mais específicas, como massagem, cuidados com a pele, cabelo e unhas. Além disso, o USFRS favorece os custos variáveis quanto o USALI promove os custos fixos. As contribuições deste estudo permitem auxiliar os gestores na implementação e uso dos sistemas contabilísticos estudados. Assim, os gestores terão a oportunidade de conhecer tanto o USFRS como o USALI, analisando-os individual e comparativamente, o que fornecerá uma visão mais clara e específica do desempenho dos spas, assim como uma melhor perceção do desempenho global de um spa ou departamento de spas, permitindo melhorias na eficácia da gestão das empresas. As limitações deste estudo incluem a escassez de literatura sobre o USFRS, o que representa um desafio para a pesquisa futura.
  • O impacto da COVID-19 nos planos de viagem depois da pandemia
    Publication . Sousa, Ana Elisa; Pais, Sónia; Viana, Ana Sofia
    A pandemia por COVID-19 teve um forte impacto no setor do turismo com uma redução acentuada do número de viagens realizadas. O objetivo deste artigo é verificar qual o impacto da pandemia no comportamento de viagem dos turistas depois da pandemia, e de que modo este é influenciado pela perceção de segurança dos turistas para viajar e quais as medidas que estes consideram indispensáveis para retomarem as suas viagens. Para isso, foi aplicado um inquérito por questionário a 311 indivíduos, que revela a importância da continuidade da aplicação das medidas de higiene e sanitárias, como fulcrais para o aumento da perceção de segurança e a decisão de viajar, que se prevê que aumente progressivamente ao longo dos próximos anos.
  • Volume of geometric solids on the Desmos platform: A didactic experience in Cape Verde
    Publication . Machado, Daniel; Bastos, Nuno; Hall, Andreia; Pais, Sónia
    This work intends to disseminate a didactic experience in mathematics, in times of pandemic, in an emergency remote teaching situation, at the Portuguese School of Cape Verde, using the Desmos digital platform. The topic addressed was the study of the volume of geometric solids. The main objective was to contribute to the learning of mathematical concepts, using digital tools that promote students’ autonomy while respecting their learning pace, thus improving teaching practices through more assertive methodologies and more innovative resources. In order to understand how the Desmos platform contributes to improve the learning of geometry an explanatory case study was conducted. The participants in the study are 9th grade students from a Cape Verde school. Preliminary analysis of the data collected through several techniques, using diverse data collecting mechanisms, indicates that the contribution is very positive with clear advantages in the construction of knowledge on the part of the students, centered in a logic of skill development.
  • Uses and functions of the territorial brand over time: Interdisciplinary cultural-historical mapping
    Publication . Almeida, Giovana Goretti Feijó de; Almeida, Paulo; Cardoso, Lucília; Santos, Luís Lima
    Several approaches to the concept of the territorial brand have been given over time, which has generated different contextualizations to and applications of the concept. In order to homogenize and clarify the concept, the present paper aims to present the state-of-the-art of this theme through an interdisciplinary mapping of the uses and functions of the territorial brand. To this end, the study adopts a qualitative analysis approach, integrating content analysis with the historical method encompassing an interdisciplinary cultural-historical mapping. The results point to a clear and fertile body of theory, which, in turn, suggests a fertile path for future studies. The findings reveal more than 15 centuries across four dimensions of analysis: characteristics, uses, functions and discourses of the territorial brand. Different trends and future research agendas for this area are also discussed. The practical value focuses on the application of the four dimensions of analysis as a tool for territorial management and planning for territorial managers and decision-makers.
  • Restaurants' solvency in Portugal during COVID-19
    Publication . Gomes, Conceição; Campos, Filipa; Malheiros, Cátia; Santos, Luís Lima
    The main purpose of this study is to understand how Portuguese restaurants’ solvency was affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, considering the factors that influence it. Financial information was collected for the years 2019 and 2020 in the SABI database to elaborate a quantitative methodology; a descriptive analysis was used and Pearson’s correlation coefficient, a Paired t-test, a one-way ANOVA test, and a multiple linear regression were used to test the formulated hypotheses. The findings confirm that solvency is affected by several determinants, such as financial autonomy, indebtedness, financial leverage, asset turnover, return on equity, and long-term bank debt. Solvency is influenced positively by financial autonomy and financial leverage. In contrast, solvency is negatively influenced by indebtedness, asset turnover, and long-term bank debt. Additionally, this paper represents the first study, in the restaurant sector in Portugal, which analyses the importance of solvency and its determinants, by facing a normal year with a crisis year. The paper is innovative in terms of knowledge about restaurant solvency behavior in periods of financial crisis and also because the COVID-19 pandemic has added an additional variable to restaurant solvency: short-term bank debt. In terms of theoretical implications, this study provides further insights about the factors influencing solvency in restaurant businesses during periods of a financial crisis. The main practical contributions are linked to improving the leadership skills of restaurant owners and managers to deal with periods of crisis in general, thus improving the solvency of their businesses and decreasing the risks associated with bankruptcy.
  • Impacto da informação online na formação da imagem de destino virtual
    Publication . Rafael, Célia; Almeida, Aurélia
    A influência da imagem de destinos no processo e decisão e escolha do destino por parte do turista é transversal à sua natureza intangível. Estudos recentes expandem e modificam os constructos convencionais de imagem pela especificação de fontes de informação veiculadas através da internet. O cenário resultante da revisão de literatura permite entender a importância da experiência para atividade turística e a proposição teórica do turismo virtual enquanto “experiência virtual turística”, os seus fatores determinantes e as suas implicações para a formação da imagem global do destino. Este estudo apresenta a revisão de literatura de base, à proposta de investigação empírica, cujo objetivo geral compreende a análise da influência de fatores, como a interatividade, na comunicação online e contacto com experiências de turismo virtuais online, na formação e na perceção da imagem de um destino turístico.
  • The health impacts of poor housing conditions and thermal discomfort
    Publication . Vasconcelos, J.; Freire, E.; Morais, J.; Machado, J.R.; Santana, P.
    On summer and winter months, cardiovascular morbidity and mortality rates vary throughout Europe. For example, areas with mild winters seem to be the ones with higher number of seasonal mortality. In fact, Portugal is one of the southern countries together with Ireland that have higher mortality in winter. However, the number of studies relating cold weather with morbidity/mortality is still very rare. These occurrences are suspected to be associated with housing quality especially thermal insulation. In order to assess the relation between the incidence of coronary events and housing conditions in Portugal, a survey on inpatients with any form of acute coronary syndromes was undertaken during winter months, in order to get some data about houseability and residents behavior attitudes against cold exposure. It remained clear that poor housing conditions and/or lack of protective measures against cold exposure are common in Portugal. A better knowledge about the impact of weather and climate on health may be applied to built up a set of regulations for housing design (for new but also for old dwellings restoration); but also it is essential for the establishment of adaptation and mitigation policies and strategies, as well as on health planning and on the development of early warning systems.