ESAD.CR - Artigos em revistas internacionais
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- Desenhos animados e narrativa sequencial para crianças Surdas – Procurando comunicar, entre ouvir e visualizarPublication . Marques, Nuno fragata; Conde e Sousa, Joana; Esteves Rodrigues, AndreiaOs desenhos animados são uma forma de entretenimento apreciada por crianças e adultos em todo o mundo e desempenham um papel significativo no desenvolvimento cognitivo, emocional e social das crianças. Iremos procurar relacionar a criação de desenhos animados gestuantes em diálogo com formas de narrativa sequencial, a banda desenhada e o storyboard, como comunicação direcionada a dois públicos distintos, crianças surdas e crianças ouvintes. Partimos de um ponto de vista inclusivo que as coloca em ponto de igualdade como público-alvo a favor da identificação de pistas que ajudem à criação de narrativas e conteúdos em cinema de animação. Exploraremos a importância dos desenhos animados para crianças Surdas, fonte de acessibilidade linguística, estímulo visual e cognitivo, representação e educação. Por meio de um estudo exploratório, via pesquisa, análise e produção, procura-se perceber possibilidades visuais para explorações da representação do som. Apresentamos, como resultados, um conjunto de considerações a seguir a favor da criação de desenhos animados gestuantes, representativos da cultura surda.
- Virtual Reality in Depressive and Anxiety Symptomatology – Contributions to REVIDA project from a mobile app mappingPublication . Ruívo, Marília; Frontini, Roberta; Pernencar, CláudiaThe worldwide prevalence of mental health diseases is alarming. 792 million individuals have a mental disorder such as anxiety or depression. Treatment varies among the types of illness. They can be expensive and, in order to be effective, must address a combination of psychotherapy and medications. The drugs used for treating symptoms present a risk of negative side effects. Studies have shown the benefits of other co-therapies such as physical exercise. In this case, the ability to simulate reality can strongly increase the introduction of other psychological therapies and treatment results can be improved through new immersive experiences. Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy has demonstrated its effectiveness by allowing patients to gradually face fearful stimuli or stressful situations. Recent studies showed that the use of Virtual Reality is effective and safe for mental health. Particularly, in the scenario of how Virtual Reality simulation could increase empathy and behaviour change. This article presents a preliminary study of the REVIDA project: It aims to investigate through Benchmarking and SWOT Analysis the possible integration of Virtual Reality in mental illness monitoring in Portugal. Results show that there exist several new opportunities for using Virtual Reality technology in mental health and wellbeing.
- Drawing powersPublication . Poeiras, Fernando
- Higher Physical Activity Levels May Help Buffer the Negative Psychological Consequences of Coronavirus Disease 2019 PandemicPublication . Antunes, Raul; Goncalves-Rebelo, Ricardo; Amaro, Nuno; Salvador, Rogério; Matos, Rui; Morouço, Pedro; Frontini, RobertaThis study explored the associations between physical activity (PA) anxiety levels, and the perception of satisfaction of basic psychological needs (BPN), during Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) lockdown. Thus, 1,404 participants (977 women, 426 men, and one respondent preferred not to answer) ranging from 18 to 89 years old (36.4 ± 11.7 year-old) completed a questionnaire in the period between 1st and 15th April 2020. The survey included sociodemographic data and the following validated instruments: the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ), the Basic Need General Satisfaction Scale and the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory. The Kruskal-Wallis test was performed to examine variation in anxiety levels and BPN satisfaction according to PA category (low, moderate, and high). Spearman’s Rho correlations coefficients were used to determine the association between anxiety levels and psychological needs. Individuals presenting a higher level of PA revealed lower levels of anxiety-state (H = 20.14; p < 0.01). Differences between elements from different levels of PA were found for the autonomy (H = 23.52; p < 0.001), competence (H = 18.89; p < 0.001), and relatedness (H = 24.42; p < 0.001) psychological needs, suggesting that those who feel their BPN as more satisfied have higher levels of PA. The study found statistically significant correlations between anxiety-state and the satisfaction of the needs for autonomy (p = 0.01; r = −0.46), competence (p = 0.01; r = −0.40), and relatedness (p = 0.01; r = −0.21). These findings support the importance that PA has in the anxiety levels during social isolation, emphasizing the importance of multidisciplinary teams in an individual-based approach.
- Nugget Formation and Mechanical Behaviour of Friction Stir Welds of Three Dissimilar Aluminum AlloysPublication . Manuel, Neves; Galvão, Ivan; Leal, Rui M.; Costa, José D.; Loureiro, AltinoThe aim of this research was to investigate the influence of the properties of the base materials and welding speed on the morphology and mechanical behavior of the friction stir welds of three dissimilar aluminum alloys in a T-joint configuration. The base materials were the AA2017-T4, AA5083-H111, and AA6082-T6 alloys in 3 mm-thick sheets. The AA6082-T6 alloy was the stringer, and the other alloys were located either on the advancing or retreating sides of the skin. All the T-joint welds were produced with a constant tool rotation speed but with different welding speeds. The microstructures of the welds were analyzed using optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive spectroscopy, and the electron backscatter diffraction technique. The mechanical properties were assessed according to micro-hardness, tensile, and fatigue testing. Good quality welds of the three dissimilar aluminum alloys could be achieved with friction stir welding, but a high ratio between the tool's rotational and traverse speeds was required. The welding speed influenced the weld morphology and fatigue strength. The positioning of the skin materials influenced the nugget morphology and the mechanical behavior of the joints. The joints in which the AA2017 alloy was positioned on the advancing side presented the best tensile properties and fatigue strength.
- Co-designing new resources to support better quality end of life care with people with dementia and family carersPublication . Macdonald, Alastair; Neves, Sandra; McLellan, Emma; Poole, MarieAs more people die with dementia, end of life care discussions are growing in importance. Alastair Macdonald and colleagues report on their study and explain how co-designing new resources could help to strengthen support at the end of life
- Le rappeur et les «petites grandmères»: Deux ethnographies du cosmopolitisme comme médiationPublication . Fradique, TeresaComment aborder le cosmopolitisme en ce début de siècle ? Peut-on déjà en dégager des contours nouveaux ? À partir des propositions de certains textes et concepts de l’anthropologue brésilien Gilberto Velho, l’idée d’un cosmopolitisme se détachant de son opposition binaire avec le provincialisme est explorée. Deux cas ethnographiques très différents sont à l’étude : l’un repose sur l’univers urbain du rap ; l’autre, sur une expérience artistique menée auprès d’une communauté périphérique. Ici le cosmopolitisme, plus qu’un style de vie, est l’action d’un spécialiste en mouvement, d’un médiateur qui encourage le changement des statuts, des contextes culturels et, conséquemment, des visions du monde.
- Um percurso mediativo por algumas florestas na artePublication . Rama, Samuel José TravassosA grande floresta europeia densa e obscura desapareceu proporcionalmente ao crescimento das cidades sobretudo a partir da modernidade. Na mesma medida do desaparecimento das florestas reais dá-se o seu incremento no território da cultura em geral e nas artes plásticas em particular. A floresta assume-se assim como arquétipo ou índice do natural e é nos seus melhores exemplos da arte sempre revisitada por uma persistente expressão atravessada pelo sonho e pela nostalgia. Nas representações de florestas feitas por artistas que quiseram recuperar, do pondo de vista estético, estas paisagens a partir de dentro, podemos encontrar talvez uma das raízes mais longínquas do questionamento ou da relativização da ideia de paisagem enquanto vista ou janela, a favor de uma ideia de paisagem enquanto errância ou envolvimento. Esse questionamento parece trazer também consigo a expressão ou tradução do fundamento ético primeiro que faz reconhecer a natureza como algo absolutamente superior ao homem. Tal acontece porque a maioria das representações de florestas feitas a partir do seu interior revelam um certo carácter estético negativo que induz no espectador mobilidade, desconforto, estranhamento obrigando-o a indagar e articular juntamente estética e ética.
- Thermic Fits: fatos de hidroginástica para idososPublication . Bispo, Renato; Daré, Ana; Francisco, AndreaO projeto Thermic Fits parte do pressuposto que a atividade física tem um papel fundamental para o envelhecimento bemsucedido e para a promoção da saúde, autonomia e a autoconfiança da população idosa. A hidroginástica foi a atividade escolhida, por apresentar já alguma adesão por parte das pessoas idosas em Portugal, manifestando, contudo, ainda alguns problemas por resolver, nomeadamente: sentimentos de vulnerabilidade e vergonha provocados pela utilização do fato de banho, desconforto provocado pela temperatura da água, dificuldade em vestir e despir e desadequação antropométrica relativamente à diversidade corporal que se verifica neste segmento da população. Durante o projeto, foram realizados entrevistas e testes no Centro Social Paroquial de Nossa Senhora das Mercês de Carvalhal Benfeito e na Associação Humanitária dos Bombeiros Voluntários das Caldas da Rainha (Portugal), o que permitiu que modelos funcionais dos fatos de banho tivessem sido continuadamente testados, por pessoas idosas, durante várias fases do seu desenvolvimento. Este projeto foi desenvolvido no âmbito do Mestrado de Design de Produto da Escola Superior de Artes e Design do Instituto Politécnico de Leiria [ESAD.CR].
- Bio Art meets the streets : a reflection on new forms of art engagementPublication . Santos, David Rodrigues dosPublic art, despite is extension to the urban landscapes, has been a limited artistic practice in terms of critical discussion. In this sense, is has been used as an urban form for remodelling or, instead, as an ordinary form of expansion of the artists audience. However, public art can be understood as a social awareness practice creating the need to set up a broader critical discourse contributing to a greater democratization to the artistic practice. In this sense, there has been a growing number of visual artists who believe that art and the role of public entities isn’t just the creation of permanent art objects, but rather a way to facilitate the creation of artworks that encourage actions, ideas and the intervention of the audience, making the public artwork an object that calls to social responsibility. Bio art has tried to demonstrate, through its aesthetic discourse, the need to establish a broader public discussion. Thus, in this paper we will highlight the importance of an odd art public project of Natalie Jeremijenko – One Tree(s) (2000). Through the questions raised by this artwork, we will reflect on how the intersection between art and technoscience can contribute to a greater extension of the idea of hard humanities and on how a larger critical reflection can be exercise through and beyond the art world toward a field that involves in the same discourse art, science, society and the urban network.