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- Limpeza das plantas vasculares da fachada e torreões da Igreja de Santa CruzPublication . Mouga, Teresa
- Turismo del vino: análisis y perspectivas en Portugal y EspañaPublication . López-Guzmán Guzmán, Tomás; Cañizares, Sandra; Oliveira, Simão; Coelho, JúlioEn los albores del siglo XXI se están produciendo una serie de cambios en la actividad turística debido, entre otras razones, a que los viajes son cada vez de menor duración y con una mayor frecuencia a lo largo del año. Asimismo, la oferta está continuamente adaptándose a esta nueva situación como podría ser la aparición de nuevos destinos turísticos que intentan dar respuesta a los gustos más exigentes de los clientes o la creación de nuevos productos turísticos. Ello está dando lugar a la aparición de un turismo temático, en el cuál destaca todo lo relacionado con la gastronomía y el vino (en definitiva, con elementos culturales) de una determinada zona geográfica. En este sentido, vino y turismo (y engarzado con la gastronomía local) aparece como una simbiosis perfecta para que los visitantes puedan apreciar un producto distinto y conocer un destino diferente, propiciando, de esta manera, el desarrollo económico de determinadas áreas rurales (y, en ocasiones, también urbanas) y basado todo ello en el concepto de desarrollo sostenible. Siguiendo a Stewart et al. (2008) podemos señalar que la cada mayor importancia del enoturismo sugiere, y promueve, la idea de que la gastronomía y el vino pueden ser, y a menudo son, la atracción principal para visitar una determinada región y no necesariamente una segunda (o complementaria) atracción del viaje. En este sentido, recordemos que el vino es parte de la historia cultural y social de los pueblos, es decir, de la propia idiosincrasia de sus habitantes, llegando incluso a definirse de forma más amplia a toda esta oferta como “el paisaje del vino” (Brunori y Rossi, 2001). El objetivo de este trabajo es realizar un análisis de cómo se vertebra el turismo del vino en dos países europeos, Portugal y España, en base a la creación y al desarrollo de rutas turísticas. Para cumplir con este objetivo, este artículo se estructura, tras esta introducción, en un segundo apartado donde someramente se realiza una revisión de la literatura científica existente en el campo del enoturismo; en el apartado tercero nos centramos en el análisis del turismo del vino en Portugal, y en el apartado cuarto realizamos una aproximación al enoturismo en España.
- Toward sustainability through higher education: sustainable development incorporation into Portuguese higher education institutionsPublication . Aleixo, Ana Marta; Azeiteiro, Ulisses; Leal, Susana
- Tendências do mercado de trabalho: o que esperam as empresas das gerações Millennials e ZPublication . Filipe, Luís Pereira; Aleixo, Ana MartaO enfoque no sucesso profissional dos recém-diplomados e o papel das Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES) para esse desígnio tem vindo a ganhar destaque devido às transformações ocorridas nas últimas décadas. Face ao exposto, é imperativo que as IES se esforcem para melhorar a empregabilidade dos seus diplomados, num esforço de correspondência entre as características das novas gerações e necessidades das empresas. Deste modo, e por forma a dar sequência a um primeiro estudo dirigido a empresas na área do turismo, pretende-se identificar as práticas de recrutamento e seleção e as competências transversais requeridas aos candidatos, por empresas das áreas das engenharias e serviços. Foi possível perceber que as empresas recorrem essencialmente à internet e às redes sociais para procurar os seus candidatos, que utilizam essencialmente o modelo Europass de CV, que se preocupam bastante com as competências e com a experiência profissional adquirida, e que consideram as competências transversais como tão importantes como as técnicas, com destaque para a aprendizagem, o trabalho de equipa e o comportamento ético, em detrimento da persuasão, da cultura geral e da liderança. Com estes dados é possível ajudar os diplomados a melhorarem a sua empregabilidade, levando-os a desenvolver ferramentas e estratégias adequadas, incentivando essencialmente a uma postura ativa de procura de oportunidades e de melhoria constante do seu percurso académico e profissional.
- Gastronomy and Rural DestinationsPublication . Oliveira, Simão
- UN decade of education for sustainable development: perceptions of higher education institution’s stakeholdersPublication . Aleixo, Ana Marta; Azeiteiro, Ulisses; Leal, SusanaThe purpose of this study is to investigate how the main stakeholders of Portuguese Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) perceive the commitment of HEIs related to: (a) teaching sustainable development Sustainable Development (SD) across all courses, (b) encouraging research and dissemination of SD knowledge, (c) implementing green campuses and supporting local sustainability efforts, and (d) engaging and sharing information with international networks (as defined in Higher Education Sustainability Initiative, United Nations). Through a qualitative approach (semi-structured interviews and content analysis), we explore the perspectives of twenty stakeholders from four Portuguese public HEIs (leaders, faculty, staff, students, and external stakeholders). The results show that all stakeholders see teaching SD across all courses as a necessity, but they have different visions about how to implement it. Concerning the research and dissemination of SD knowledge, they defend that both should be encouraged and transversal to all HEIs. About implementing green campuses and supporting local sustainability efforts, stakeholders agree that is important, but the practical results, in the Portuguese HEIs analysed, fail to achieve an acceptable degree. As a long term objective, the motivation for engaging and sharing information with international networks is latent.
- Rankings and sustainability in Portuguese higher education institutions: a descriptive analysisPublication . Aleixo, Ana Marta; Leal, Susana; Leal Filho, Walter; Mendes, Susana; Azeiteiro, UlissesThe issue of ranking in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) has produced a growing body of literature at an international level that is focused on metaanalysis. However, there is still comparably little discussion on the subject of Higher Education (HE) in Portugal. This paper strives to fill this gap. This research was conducted using the Portuguese public HEIs websites and presents a critical review of HEIs rankings in Portugal. These are the types of Higher Education Institution (HEI) rankings that are concerned with the promotion of sustainable development rankings. The links between rankings and institutional commitment, advanced sustainability or the promotion of a positive image are discussed. This work results in the preliminary discussion of a proposal for an alternative ranking for Sustainable Development (SD) in HEIs. An alternative ranking would take the system and subsystem activities of HEIs into consideration, and would constitute a starting point for further discussion when it comes to the development of the ranking for sustainability in HEIs in responding to the issue of holistic and integrated sustainability in Portuguese public HEIs.
- Tendências do mercado de trabalho na área de turismoPublication . Filipe, Luís Pereira; Aleixo, Ana Marta
- Comunicação no turismoPublication . Sousa, Ana Elisa
- Assessing the liquidity in Portuguese hotel companiesPublication . Silva, Catarina; Santos, Luís Lima; Gomes, Conceição; Malheiros, CátiaThe hospitality companies have had substantial growth in the tourism sector which gives them a large part of the revenue generated by the sector. In this regard, its impact, whether negative or positive, is quite high and generates a response to a need felt by agents of the environment in which it operates. As a short-term sustainability indicator, the liquidity level of a company demonstrates its ability to repay its obligations, being a great management support for decision making and anticipation of financial problems that may arise. Considering the volatility of hotel companies, greater importance is given to the study of liquidity. The main liquidity ratios of Portuguese hotels in the 2010-2017 period will be analysed; data was collected on July 4, 2019, on the SABI platform and the original sample is composed of 2161 hotel companies registered with two Portuguese economic activity codes (CAE), “55111 - Hotels with restaurant” and “55121 - Hotels without restaurant”. The assessment of liquidity level will be important to decision makers understand if there are differences between hotels with or without restaurant and among the Portuguese districts were hotels are located. The results of this study are expected to be of assistance to hotel managers as decisions taken within the organization can be more deliberate and informed.