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- Tourism students' experience of emergency remote teaching due to COVID-19 pandemicPublication . Pais, Sónia; Sousa, Ana E.The upsurge of the Covid-19 pandemic and the consequent lockdown led to school closure globally. Across the globe, students have been away from schools and their teachers. To cope up with this educational emergency, in Portugal all levels of education suspended face-to-face classes and were replaced by online activities. Within this context, the teacher involved in this study sought to adapt the activities and teaching materials to the exclusive use of technology and promoted asynchronous tasks, which could be developed independently and in an autonomous way by the students. In order to understand students´ perspectives on the transition to emergency remote teaching, a quantitative survey was conducted. The participants in the study are undergraduate students from a Portuguese Higher Education institution attending the curricular unit of Public Relations in Tourism. The analysis of the students’ responses to the questionnaire applied highlighted the main positive and negative aspects experienced, bringing contributions to a discussion on factors that determine the success of remote education.
- Measures and strategies adopted by hospitality in Portugal during pandemicPublication . Sousa, Ana ElisaThe COVID-19 pandemic caused an unprecedented crisis in the accommodation sector. In Portugal, there was a drop of almost 70% in total income from the hotel industry during 2020. Semi-structured interviews with directors and owners of 27 lodging units in Continental Portugal promoting one of the three following tourist products: sun and sea, nature and city break, unveiled the measures and strategies adopted during the pandemic, in 2020, in their establishments at different levels: finances, communication, infrastructure, promotion, human resources, technology, as well as safety, hygiene and sanitation. This investigation also discusses the recovery strategies and future prospects for the sector, indicating good practices and new paths for the accommodation industry in general.
- Comunicação no turismoPublication . Sousa, Ana Elisa
- Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação em cidades inteligentes: o caso de PortugalPublication . Nabais, Leonor; Maria, Joana; Pedrosa, Tomás; Sousa, AnaSmart cities are sustainable cities with people in mind, where social progress and well-being are the basis for the development of urban projects and solutions. Through the availability of Information and Communication Technologies and human capital, it is now possible to understand and improve the quality of life of citizens, thus being able to meet the needs of each individual, promoting their participation and providing a better monitoring what is happening in different cities. Therefore, it is important to verify which projects have been implemented in different cities in Portugal, which aim to achieve the principles of smart cities, in order to understand which path has already been built, and what remains to be done for make Portuguese cities smart cities. Tourism is becoming increasingly technological, so it is necessary to have the necessary tools to accompany it.
- Gamification in education: The case study of the use of IdeaChef as a learning strategy in the hospitality master's degreePublication . Sousa, A.E.; Pais, S.; Viana, A.S.Nowadays we live in an ever-changing society. The educational context is no exception and requires a renewal of paradigms. Profound changes to the role and function of the professor and the students are particularly vital. Active, cooperative and participative learning methodologies must be privileged, breaking with magisterial education and the mere transmission of knowledge. The increasingly recurrent adoption of gamification strategies in teaching-learning processes is intended to ensure that students learn and deepen knowledge in an active and collaborative manner. Several studies highlight the positive impact of the adoption of gamification strategies in teaching/learning, both in student motivation and in the development of soft skills (teamwork, creativity, decision-making, leadership, communication and critical thinking). Game-based learning thus promotes students' interest and involves them in this process. In this sense, the board game ideaChef was used in the lessons of the E-Business subject, with the Master's students of Hotel Management.This game is a method and tool (board game that uses cooking metaphors), which allows teams to create solutions ("recipes") for a certain challenge, need or problem. Based on the proposal presented, related to the course contents, the students, with the support of cards and dice from the game, are invited to define ideas for solutions for the challenge, through interaction and team spirit, feedback and permanent debate. At the end of the game, students present their solution to the challenge, as if it were a cooking recipe (final ideas and conclusions obtained). Learning the contents of the subject through the game allows students to apply theory to practical cases, promoting their integration and preparation for real-life situations. After using the game in class, a semi-structured interview was applied to the students in order to assess the impact of the game on their learning. This evaluation was also carried out through the final report (solution found to the challenge) delivered by the students. The preliminary results of the study indicate that students considered that the novelty of the game and the possibility of solving practical cases by playing, contributes to a better understanding of theory and therefore has a positive impact on learning.
- Empregabilidade e ensino superior: o estudo de caso do mestrado em gestão e direção hoteleira: ESTMPublication . Viana, Ana Sofia; Pais, Sónia; Sousa, Ana Elisa; Schön, MichaelEmpregabilidade é uma meta para todos aqueles que fazem um mestrado ou outro curso superior. No entanto, mais importante do que conseguir um bom emprego é encontrar o emprego para o qual os estudantes foram preparados durante os estudos e permitir-lhes alcançar a carreira que desejam/ambicionam. Neste sentido, o mestrado em Gestão e Direção Hoteleira da Escola Superior de Turismo e Tecnologia do Mar (ESTM) do Politécnico de Leiria foi projetado para permitir que os estudantes desenvolvessem competências organizacionais das muitas responsabilidades operacionais necessárias para gerir um hotel e que estão ligadas a conceitos práticos da tomada de decisões de gestão. Para preparar melhor os estudantes para o que o mercado de trabalho precisa e os empregadores desejam, é importante entender como o mercado de trabalho recebeu os estudantes após a graduação e se os empregadores reconheceram essas qualificações. Portanto, o objetivo deste estudo foi saber onde estão os mestres e o que estão a fazer no mercado de trabalho após o término deste mestrado, se sentem que a graduação foi importante e se lhes deu alguma vantagem no alcance de melhores posições de trabalho. Foi aplicado um método quantitativo a este estudo através da realização de um questionário a 19 mestres em Gestão e Direção Hoteleira. Os resultados mostraram que apesar do esforço das instituições de ensino superior procurarem, através dos mestrados, dar maiores competências aos futuros recursos humanos das organizações, a maioria das organizações ainda não reconhece nem valoriza muito estas formações.
- Employability and Higher Education: The case study of ESTM master's degreePublication . Viana, A.; Pais, S.; Sousa, A.; Schön, M.The labor market in this globalized world, based on new technologies, is constantly changing. In an increasingly demanding and dynamic world of human resources competences, young people have to focus on their training in order to enter in the labor market better prepared and thus contribute to the success of the entity that receives them and for their own professional and personal fulfillment. The choice of their academic journey is crucial to ensure the achievement of these competences and make that decision is not easy, with a system of higher education such as the Portuguese, where there are so many graduation courses and two systems of teaching, University and Polytechnic. In fact, with the changes introduced in higher education by the so-called Bologna Process, most undergraduate’s courses saw the number of years reduced from five to three years, while others opted for integrated master's degrees. In the case of the School of Tourism and Maritime Technology, the option was to offer three-year degree courses and two-year master's degrees. This study intends to understand where are the students who have bet on their training at the master's level and finish their master's degree at the School of Tourism and Maritime Technology (ESTM) of the Polytechnic of Leiria, if they are working in the area and if the employers recognize these qualifications.
- As TIC no ensino profissional: utilização na sala de aula das Tecnologias da Informação e da Comunicação pelos alunosPublication . Sousa, Ana Elisapresente paper tem por objetivo apresentar os resultados da aplicação de um inquérito por questionário aos alunos dos cursos profissionais no âmbito das Tecnologias da Informação e da Comunicação, de quatro escolas, sobre a sua utilização na sala de aula. Pretende-se, assim, compreender de que modo estão a ser integradas as tecnologias nos processos de ensino e aprendizagem, depois dos projetos do Governo no âmbito do PTE, que apetrecharam escolas com equipamento tecnológico e que tinham como finalidade a aposta na formação dos agentes educativos, e qual o seu papel na preparação de alunos com competências intermédias na área das TIC, de modo a que estes possam ser tecnicamente uma resposta para uma sociedade do conhecimento e da informação.
- Manual de boas práticas e sustentabilidade no turismoPublication . Almeida, Paulo; Eurico, Sofia; Almeida, Sérgio; Oliveira, Fernanda; Jorge, João Paulo; Ramos, Dulcineia; Oliveira, Verónica; Simões, Ana Raquel; Borges, Patrícia; Malheiros, Cátia; Caetano, Marta; Amorim, Daniela; Viana, Ana Sofia; Coelho, Júlio; Sousa, Ana Elisa; Lourenço, Paulo; Rafael, Célia; Almeida, Nuno; Fonseca, Júlia; Schön, Michael; Martins, Rui; Dias, Francisco; Cardoso, Lucília; Mendes, Alexandra; Bento, Carla; Elias-Almeida, Anabela; Varela, Luciana; Varela, Jorge; Santos, Luís Lima; Gomes, Conceição; Brasão, Inês; Baptista, Pedro
- Applications, advantages and disadvantages of artificial intelligence in tourism and hospitalityPublication . Sousa, Ana Elisa; Viana, Ana Sofia; Pais, SóniaArtificial Intelligence (AI) has received special attention in the Tourism and Hospitality sector. The researchers of this paper conducted a systematic literature review, in the timeframe from 1990 to October 2022, in three scientific databases: Scopus, Web of Science and Science Direct. This study allows the identification of the authors and relevant publications in the research area; the identification of the objectives, contexts, theoretical approaches and methods used in the literature on the subject; to verify the applications that Artificial Intelligence has in Tourism and Hospitality and to understand which are the advantages and disadvantages of the use of this technology in the sector.
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