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Os Estados Membros da União Europeia, de uma forma geral, aquando da transposição da Diretiva 2008/52/CE do Parlamento Europeu e do Concelho, de 21 maio de 2008, relativa a certos aspetos da mediação em matéria civil e comercial, regulamentaram apenas a mediação levada a cabo de forma presencial, não contemplando a mediação online. Portugal, através da Lei 29/2013, de 19 de abril, (LM) regulamentou de forma autónoma e sistemática a mediação em Portugal, aplicando-se quer a conflitos internos, quer transfronteiriços, indo além das exigências comunitárias prescritas pela Diretiva de 2008, que apenas exigia regulamentação da mediação ao nível dos cross-border conflicts. Apesar de não se referir expressamente à mediação online também não a excluiu. Com este texto propomo-nos elencar os principais problemas, dificuldades e potencialidades do recurso à mediação online, bem como testemunhar o quadro normativo legal, nacional e europeu, no que concerne os ODR.
The European Member States, in general, when transposing Directive 2008/52/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2008, on certain aspects of mediation in civil and commercial matters, only regulated offline mediation and did not included legal rules about online mediation. Portugal, through Law 29/2013, of 19 April, regulating in an autonomous and systematic way mediation in Portugal, covers internal and cross-border conflicts, going beyond the European requirements prescribed by the Directive of 2008, which only required regulation of mediation at the level of cross-border conflicts. Although it did not expressly refer to online mediation, it did not excluded it either. With this text we propose to list the main problems, difficulties and potentialities of the use of online mediation as well as to witness the legal framework, national and European, regarding ODR.
The European Member States, in general, when transposing Directive 2008/52/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2008, on certain aspects of mediation in civil and commercial matters, only regulated offline mediation and did not included legal rules about online mediation. Portugal, through Law 29/2013, of 19 April, regulating in an autonomous and systematic way mediation in Portugal, covers internal and cross-border conflicts, going beyond the European requirements prescribed by the Directive of 2008, which only required regulation of mediation at the level of cross-border conflicts. Although it did not expressly refer to online mediation, it did not excluded it either. With this text we propose to list the main problems, difficulties and potentialities of the use of online mediation as well as to witness the legal framework, national and European, regarding ODR.
Mediação Mediação online ADR ODR Mediation Online mediation
Cebola, C.M., & Monteiro, S.S. (2020). A mediação eletrónica no quadro da «nova» administração da justiça. In J. García González, Á. Alzina Lozano & G. Martin Rodriguez (Dirs.), El derecho público y privado ante las nuevas tecnologias (pp. 624-632). Dykinson Ebook
Dykinson Ebook