Browsing by Issue Date, starting with "2017-10-26"
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- Estudio de soluciones para integración de microproducciones en redes aisladasPublication . Reyes, Jefferson Alberto Porras; Marques, Pedro José Franco; Neves, Luís Miguel Pires; Sempertegui, RodrigoCon este trabajo se pretende realizar un estudio de soluciones para la integración de microproducciones en redes aisladas con vista a una mejor fiabilidad y sostenibilidad de sistemas aislados. El estudio está basado en estudios de caso, localizados en la región amazónica, en las cuales existen sistemas aislados de producción exclusivamente fotovoltaicos financiados por el gobierno Ecuatoriano. Se pretende estudiar soluciones alternativas para estos sistemas tomando como referencia proyectos similares alrededor del mundo teniendo en cuenta los aspectos positivos y negativos, enfocándose en las soluciones que se ejecutaron en los mismos, para luego analizar y plantear cuales se pueden adaptar a proyectos locales en especial al proyecto Yantsa li Etsari cuya concesión corresponde a la Empresa Eléctrica Regional Centro Sur C. A. de tal forma que se pueda mejorar el servicio prestado a las poblaciones, reduciendo costos de mantenimientos asociados. Por último, a partir de las experiencias de la implementación de sistemas fotovoltaicos y sus planes de gestión se propone un plan de para la electrificación rural sostenible donde la empresa distribuidora cumple un papel fundamental. Se concluye con la descripción de un procedimiento general para enfrentar con éxito proyectos de electrificación en zonas aisladas.
- Aplicación de métodos de optimización para electrificación en zonas rurales del EcuadorPublication . Siguenza, Oscar Mauricio Siguencia; Neves, Luís Miguel PiresLa planificación energética rural requiere de un análisis riguroso en la determinación de alternativas energéticas para el suministro de energía eléctrica, ya sea mediante la extensión de redes eléctricas, o con el aprovechamiento de recursos energéticos locales tales como la energía solar fotovoltaica y la energía eólica por lo que, para minimizar esta complejidad se han desarrollado una variedad de métodos de apoyo a la toma de decisiones en la planificación energética, tomando en consideración criterios no solo del tipo económico o técnico sino además criterios que en la última década son considerados relevantes previos a la ejecución de un determinado proyecto, estos son los criterios sociales y ambientales. Así, al tener más de una función objetivo, los métodos de decisión multicriterio son los que más se adaptan a esta problemática. Entre los trabajos efectuados en planificación energética, la adopción de una u otra metodología está en función de las magnitudes consideradas, al tener magnitudes tanto cualitativas y cuantitativas consideramos que los métodos de sobre-clasificación ELECTRE con sus varias versiones, y entre una de ellas el método ELECTRE TRI con la principal característica de que permite la clasificación de las alternativas en categorías predefinidas que van desde la peor hasta la mejor, son una buena opción para tratar esta problemática, para la solución, se hará uso del software IRIS desarrollado justamente para este tipo de problemas. Ente los sistemas energéticos para suministro de electricidad a zonas rurales tenemos: sistemas aislados, sistemas con microrredes, sistemas con extensión de red y sistemas híbridos. Una de las principales conclusiones es la preferencia de los sistemas con microrredes y sistemas aislados, debido principalmente a los altos costos que implica una extensión de red.
- Marine collagen-chitosan-fucoidan cryogels as cell-laden biocomposites envisaging cartilage tissue engineeringPublication . Carvalho, Duarte Nuno Almeida; Silva, Tiago Henriques da; Afonso, Clélia Paulete Correia NevesOs recursos marinhos são um alternativa natural para fornecer compostos bioactivos valiosos. Muitos desses “produtos” têm similaridade com os componentes dos tecidos dos mamíferos, como os humanos. Neste trabalho desenvolveu-se um “produto” natural com base em alguns biopolímeros marinhos para aplicações biomédicas. Estes biopolímeros têm sido amplamente estudados como uma alternativa às fontes de mamíferos. As vantagens dos produtos marinhos são o seu baixo risco de transmissão de doenças e por motivos éticos (sociais/religiosos). Estes “produtos” têm sido amplamente usados para aplicações biomédicas, devido às suas boas propriedades. Foi demonstrado que estes “produtos” apresentam bons resultados em termos das suas propriedades e um bom microambiente para as células expostas a este “produto”. Em geral, os resultados obtidos sugerem que estes “produtos” derivados de recursos marinhos são promissores para o uso de aplicações biomédicas, devido ao seu relativo bio-mimetismo e a sua capacidade de sustentar a viabilidade celular.
- Liquidity planningPublication . Mirza, Baber; Lisboa, Inês Margarida Cadima; Carvalho, Henrique AmadoThis report is based on the internship activities I performed at Robert Bosch Benelux (RBBN), from 26th September 2016 to 31st March 2017. This firm is one of the regional organization of Robert Bosch GmbH. Robert Bosch GmbH is a private multinational company engaged in the development of engineering and electronics product. The Bosch Group is composed of four major business sectors, named mobility solutions, industrial technology, consumer goods and energy and building technology. Bosch Group desires to enrich the quality of life with solutions that are both innovative and beneficial. The company concentrates their core competencies in automotive and industrial technologies. Bosch is also contributing in the production of products and services for professional and private use. My exposure at Bosch proved to be extremely fruitful. I gained valuable cultural, practical and professional experience. In my role as an assistant controller, my financial expertise developed exponentially. I am a quick learner thus I adapted to the changing needs of the controlling and finance department with perfect ease. I learnt the importance of deadlines, teamwork and effectively coordinating in a fast-paced environment. This traineeship resulted in providing me with a platform to advance my professional prospects. This report attempts to fulfil one specific requirement of Robert Bosch Benelux, which was with regards to liquidity planning. Liquidity planning is essential for the survival and prosperity of any business and it is the foremost gauge of a company’s financial health. The significance of cash flow in business is often compared to the human anatomy and its constant need for oxygen. Therefore to gain enhanced understanding of its cash flow Robert Bosch Benelux provided me with an opportunity to devise a cash flow forecasting methodology. My foremost contribution towards this project was the development of new forecasting strategy for the core cash flows of Robert Bosch Benelux. I developed distinctive forecasting strategy to estimate forecasted account receivables, account payables, salaries, payroll taxes and value added tax. The old forecasting methodology was completely discarded due to the fact that new forecasting methodology was superior. I arrived at this conclusion after a comparison of the old and new methodology, proven through a percentage forecast error formula. In conclusion, the new methodology presented significantly improved results, relatively to the old forecasting methodology at Bosch.
- Blind guide: anytime, anywherePublication . Yánez, Daniel Augusto Vera; Pereira, António Manuel de Jesus; Marcillo, DiegoSight dominates our mental life, more than any other sense. Even when we are just thinking about something the world, we end imagining what looks like. This rich visual experience is part of our lives. People need the vision for two complementary reasons. One of them is vision give us the knowledge to recognize objects in real time. The other reason is vision provides us the control one need to move around and interact with objects. Eyesight helps people to avoid dangers and navigate in our world. Blind people usually have enhanced accuracy and sensibility of their other natural senses to sense their surroundings. But sometimes this is not enough because the human senses can be affected by external sources of noise or disease. Without any foreign aid or device, sightless cannot navigate in the world. Many assistive tools have been developed to help blind people. White canes or guide dogs help blind in their navigation. Each device has their limitation. White canes cannot detect head level obstacles, drop-offs, and obstructions over a meter away. The training of a guide dog takes a long time, almost five years in some cases. The sightless also needs training and is not a solution for everybody. Taking care of a guide dog can be expensive and time consuming. Humans have developed technology for helping us in every aspect of our lives. The primary goal of technology is helping people to improve their quality of life. Technology can assist us with our limitations. Wireless sensor networks is a technology that has been used to help people with disabilities. In this dissertation, the author proposes a system based on this technology called Blind Guide. Blind Guide is an artifact that helps blind people to navigate in indoors or outdoors scenarios. The prototype is portable assuring that can be used anytime and anywhere. The system is composed of wireless sensors that can be used in different parts of the body. The sensors detect an obstacle and inform the user with an audible warning providing a safety walk to the users. A great feature about Blind Guide is its modularity. The system can adapt to the needs of the user and can be used in a combination with other solution. For example, Blind Guide can be used in conjunction with the white cane. The white cane detects obstacles below waist level and a Blind Guide wireless sensor in the forehead can detect obstacles at the head level. This feature is important because some sightless people feel uncomfortable without the white cane. The system is scalable giving us the opportunity to create a network of interconnected Blind Guide users. This network can store the exact location and description of the obstacles found by the users. This information is public for all users of this system. This feature reduces the time required for obstacle detection and consequent energy savings, thus increasing the autonomy of the solution. One of the main requirements for the development of this prototype was to design a low-cost solution that can be accessible for anyone around the world. All the components of the solution can provide a low-cost solution, easily obtainable and at a low cost. Technology makes our life easier and it must be available for anyone. Modularity, portability, scalability, the possibility to work in conjunction with other solutions, detecting objects that other solutions cannot, obstacle labeling, a network of identified obstacles and audible warnings are the main aspects of the Blind Guide system. All these aspects makes Blind Guide an anytime, anywhere solution for blind people. Blind Guide was tested with a group of volunteers. The volunteers were sightless and from different ages. The trials performed to the system show us positive results. The system successfully detected incoming obstacles and informed in real time to its users. The volunteers gave us a positive feedback telling that they felt comfortable using the prototype and they believe that the system can help them with their daily routine.
- Mobile application to monitor specific aerial surveillance targets with drones on the group for special air transport - faePublication . Bravo, Gustavo Adolfo Cedeño; Pereira, António Manuel de Jesus; Parra, Diego MarcilloLa explotación de la tercera dimensión (el espacio aéreo), facilita el uso rápido y oportuno de las tecnologías inherentes al poder aeroespacial. Esto se debe a que, al utilizar el espacio aéreo, libre de obstáculos importantes; es posible operar con un mayor grado de acción tanto en tiempo como en espacio. Conscientes de esta realidad, las tendencias tecnológicas actuales tratan de explotar al máximo las bondades ofrecidas por los denominados ‘equipos de vuelo autónomos’ o Vehículos Aéreos no Tripulados y, por lo tanto, obtener una mayor ventaja en condiciones de tiempo, espacio y recursos financieros. Dispositivos aéreos tales como los ‘drones’, ayudan a los sistemas en tierra a tener un mejor control y monitoreo de su entorno, con un mayor rango de cobertura y disminuyendo significativamente el uso de recursos humanos, evitando el desgaste físico y optimizando su enfoque hacia otras actividades de gestión. La aplicación de Vehículos Aéreos no Tripulados, dentro del área militar, abarca varios escenarios, tanto en el ámbito operacional, logístico y de apoyo a las operaciones, entre los cuales se encuentran: levantamientos topográficos, trazo de mapas, control de cultivos ilícitos, vigilancia de zonas fronterizas o de alto riesgo, ataque a posiciones remotas, entre otros. En resumen, el uso de drones en la milicia se enfoca específicamente a misiones de reconocimiento y de ataque. En el presente documento, se propone el desarrollo de una aplicación móvil basada en un SDK propietario, que permita la automatización de un Vehículo Aéreo no Tripulado para la realización de rondas de vigilancia aérea en varios puntos específicos de un recinto militar. La manipulación de la aplicación móvil estará bajo responsabilidad del centinela de guardia, con la finalidad que, se pueda emitir una alerta temprana en caso de existir alguna novedad o falencia en el ámbito de seguridad física. El objetivo principal de esta investigación es monitorear mediante la automatización de un Vehículo Aéreo no Tripulado, un área geográfica considerablemente extensa y que se encuentre bajo la responsabilidad de un recinto militar, en el cual, existan recursos aeronáuticos que por su naturaleza e importancia demandan de medidas de seguridad física con un mínimo rango de error permitido. Dicho rango de error se ve reducido mediante el envío de imagen y video en tiempo real, desde el UAV hacia el punto de control, permitiendo monitorear de forma permanente el área de interés designada.
- National Cyber-Security Policies oriented to BYOD: a proposal to EcuadorPublication . Herrera, Andrea Estefania Vaca; Rabadão, Carlos Manuel da Silva; Ron, Mario B.There are some corporate policies in most of companies around the world, focus on mobile devices to be used as “Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)”, but in Ecuador, these policies are not being established yet. In spite of the fact, this technology has been used frequently, because of risk of security breaches, the employers don’t allow to use employees’ mobile devices, this solution is not convenient, because BYOD brings a lot of advantages like increased the Company’s economy and its communication and it can help to work at home, which now it is a good alternative. Business policies can be recommended from a national policy, as in many countries, but in the case of Ecuador, such policies are not present in a formal way, the regulatory framework of this human activity that must come from the state has not been developed, not only for regulate the activity, but also to guide its use in a safe and proper manner that provides privacy to users in all social economic activities, work, and other. This research is focused on the establishment of a policies baseline in Ecuador, then propose a National Policy on Cybersecurity focus on the use of mobile devices, which can be applied in the country as part of National Cybersecurity Policies.
- Valorization of cod (Gadus morhua) by-products by extraction of collagen with potential application in cosmetic and biomedical fieldPublication . Sousa, Rita Alexandra Oliveira de; Silva, Tiago Henriques da; Afonso, Clélia Paulete Correia NevesO bacalhau do Atlântico é industrialmente processado para fins alimentares, com vários subprodutos direcionados para a produção de alimentos para animais e outros fins. Tendo em consideração a importância da valorização dos recursos marinhos, subprodutos de peixes e a sua possível utilização na extração de compostos de valor acrescentado. Neste trabalho, subprodutos de bacalhau do Atlântico salgado (Gadus morhua) foram utilizados para extrair um biopolímeros pelo método A, B e C. A extração de biopolímero foi possível para todos os métodos, tendo melhor rendimento o método C. Todos os biopolímeros foram caracterizados por análises físico-químicas e biológicas. Segundo as análises comprava-se que o biopolímeros foi bem extraído, e possui propriedades interessantes. Em geral, os resultados obtidos suportam a eficiência da abordagem proposta para a extração do biopolímero a partir de subprodutos de bacalhau e permitem ainda o design de metodologias para abordar o uso do extracto em contexto biomédico ou cosmético.
- Development a virtual reality mode simulation in order to control a drone using a wearable device in a 3d environmentPublication . Crespo, Christian Andrés Bustamante; Pereira, António Manuel de Jesus; Idrovo, Graciela GuerreroThe world population is aging, The quality life in elder people deteriorates with age, this is because of the sedentary lifestyle in which they live, consequently these countries must adapt much more rapidly to this aging. Therapy and Physical activity helps to improve health and well-being in the elders, bringing longevity and improves their life quality. The Technology has been used as a tool in various fields and there are some applications that have been developed to encourage sports through entertainment. Nintendo Wii and Kinect games had a positive impact on the overall well-being of the elderly, compared to a other group that played traditional board games. The life quality of the elderly is impaired by the lack of physical activity, entertainment and lack of memory use. This work aims to solve this problem with the implementation of a system that promotes physical activity through body movements, generate entertainment through the control of a drone in a virtual environment and promote memory through remembering movement patterns that is due perform to be able to control the virtual Drone correctly. This work makes use of wireless devices, wearable, light and with IMU sensors integrated in order to generate a body area network system that scans each arm movement and sends that information through Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) technology to a virtual environment and control an UAV (Unamed Aereal Vehicle) remotely. The proposed system includes a 3D simulator that uses VR glasses for an immersive visualization in a virtual world, 2 Raspberry Pi devices with Sense HAT board integrated as hand controls, these plates are equipped with an IMU sensor that is responsible for the arms movement monitoring. This proposal allows an interconnection of portable devices through wireless technology and combine them with immersive virtual environments to generate a system that emulates the control of a Drone in a simulated environment. In order to adapt the system and focus on older people, it is proposed to implement 2 visualization modes and 2 difficulty modes, the visualization modes determine the perspective in which the user looks at the environment while the user controls the Drone, The First perspective, is defined by a third person camera system, where the user is layers of watching the Drone while controlling it and the second mode corresponds to a first person camera system, where the user's eyes are in the same drone position, this mode allows appreciate the environment in a better way, but does not allow to visualize the UAV. In the performed tests, each user had his / her own preferences, some of them liked to use the simulator with first persona camera configuration and others with third person camera configuration. this way the system is designed to adapt to the visualization mode of each individual. With respect to the difficulty modes, the simulator offers the possibility to use the maneuver the drone through 2 mechanisms, in easy mode, where the user only needs to make 4 movements between both hands and the difficult mode where the user requires 6 movements between both hands in order to have a total drone control, this allows the user to develop cognitive skills (Eye-hand coordination) and improve physical and mental health, when using this system. Through the tests of latency, it is determined that the transmission of data through Bluetooth Low Energy is extremely fast which means that the movements of hands that the user performs become real motions of the Virtual Drone in real time. A real time simulator is a system that offers reaction times similar to reality, this determines the efficiency of the simulator when it is used as training before using a real Drone. Performed tests with older adults reveal an evolution of skills when using the system progressively in each of the different modes of use. The interest, the entertainment and the physical activity that the system promotes in the elderly, is enough to improve their quality of life by contributing in the reduction of the sedentary, promoting the physical activity and mental state. To achieve the implementation of this system we propose a parallel development of a native Android application that makes use of the same system of body area networks of sensors to maneuver a real dron (Phantom 4) using only the movement of hands, with the object of validate the functions and movements of the virtual drone based on the movements of the real dron under the same control mechanism.