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A Dieta Mediterrânica é um estilo de vida definido e transmitido pelos gregos durante milénios. Este
representa um modelo alimentar completo e equilibrado com inúmeros benefícios para a saúde e engloba um
conjunto de hábitos, costumes, valores, crenças, símbolos, gostos e estados de alma, do qual os hábitos
alimentares fazem parte.
A região Oeste de Portugal é um lugar muito diversificado em vastas áreas, sejam elas natureza, cultura ou
arte, levando assim à criação de um destino turístico com motivos fortes para ser visitado. Adicionalmente, a
região ganha especial relevo devido à sua gastronomia local, tornando-se este um dos seus pontos fortes.
Com a presente dissertação pretendeu-se estudar a adesão ao Padrão Alimentar Mediterrânico na região
Oeste, fazendo uma comparação entre jovens adultos e adultos. Para isso foi desenvolvido um inquérito,
aplicado a uma amostra de 467 inquiridos, com base em outros, nomeadamente o KIDMED e o PREDIMED, de
forma a sustentar a estruturação e a escolha das opções de resposta às questões. Por outro lado, pretendeuse
perceber se o conhecimento/adesão da Dieta Mediterrânica seria influenciado/condicionado por quem
pratica desporto regularmente (ou seja, se o facto de fazer mais ou menos desporto determina mais ou menos
conhecimento/adesão à Dieta Mediterrânica). Por fim, foi analisado ainda se um selo identificador de
alimentos associados à Dieta Mediterrânica teria o devido reconhecimento/utilidade para os consumidores.
A amostra deste questionário é composta por 12,2% (n=57) indivíduos com idades compreendidas entre 18 e
25 anos, 71,9% (n= 336) indivíduos com idades entre 26 e 54 anos e 15,8% (n=74) de indivíduos com idade
igual ou superior a 55 anos. A maior parte da amostra é constituída por elementos do sexo feminino 74,9%
(n=350). Relativamente aos hábitos de consumo, nomeadamente no que respeita aos alimentos que
compõem a Dieta Mediterrânica, os resultados não evidenciaram uma relevante adesão ao Padrão Alimentar
Mediterrânico. Efetivamente, as preferências alimentares dos consumidores inquiridos destacam-se pela
preponderância da utilização do azeite na dieta habitual, quer para confecionar, quer para temperar (95,3%,
n=445), sendo as restantes opções caracterizadas por valores menores de frequência de consumo
(nomeadamente, destaca-se que, 55,0% (n=257) dos inquiridos consome diariamente duas porções ou mais
de hortícolas cozinhadas, 70,0% (n=327) consome diariamente menos que três peças de fruta, 73,7% (n=344)
consome semanalmente menos que três porções de leguminosas, 58,0% (n=271) consome semanalmente
menos que três porções de peixe ou marisco e 71,1% (n=332) dos inquiridos consome menos que três porções
semanais de oleaginosas). Quanto ao conhecimento dos inquiridos relativamente ao Padrão Alimentar
Mediterrânico, 68,3% (n=319) conhece e 69,6% (n=325) acha ser seguidor e 64,0% (n=299) conhece os
benefícios da Dieta Mediterrânica. No entanto, a convicção dos inquiridos não corresponde à realidade
quando é feita a análise correlacional, assim como na atribuição de pontuação através do índice de PREDIMED.
Efetivamente, os resultados obtidos em relação a esta pontuação demonstraram que os jovens adultos
adquiriram seis pontos, o que se caracteriza por terem uma adesão ao Padrão Alimentar Mediterrânico débil.
Ainda assim, com a pontuação um pouco maior, os adultos (com oito pontos), também foram caracterizados
pela frágil adesão ao Padrão Alimentar Mediterrânico, dado que para terem uma boa adesão ao Padrão
Alimentar Mediterrânico seriam necessários 10 ou mais pontos.
The Mediterranean Diet is a lifestyle defined and transmitted by the Greeks for thousands of years that encompasses a set of habits, customs, values, beliefs, symbols, preferences and states of soul of which eating habits are also included, since it represents a complete and balanced food model with numerous health benefits. The Western region of Portugal is a very diverse place in vast areas, whether nature, culture or art, thus leading to the creation of a tourist destination with strong reasons to be visited. Additionally, the region gains special importance due to its local gastronomy, making this one of its strengths. This dissertation aimed to study Adherence to the Mediterranean Dietary Pattern in the Western region, making a comparison between young adults and adults. For this, a survey was developed, applied to a sample of 467 respondents, based on others, namely KIDMED and PREDIMED, in order to support the structuring and choice of response options to the questions. On the other hand, it was intended to understand if the knowledge/adherence to the Mediterranean Diet would be influenced/conditioned by those who practice sport regularly (that is, if the fact of doing more or less sports would determine more or less knowledge/adherence to the Mediterranean Diet). Finally, it was also analyzed whether an identifying label of foods associated with the Mediterranean Diet would have recognition/use for consumers. The sample of this survey is composed of 12.2% (n=57) individuals aged between 18 and 25 years, 71.9% (n= 336) individuals aged between 26 and 54 years and 15.8% (n=74) of individuals aged 55 years or older. Most of the sample consists of female elements 74.9% (n=350). Regarding consumption habits, namely the foods that compose the Mediterranean Diet, the results do not show a relevant adherence to the Mediterranean Dietary Pattern. In fact, the food preferences of the surveyed consumers stand out for the preponderance of the use of olive oil in the usual diet, either for cooking or for seasoning (95.3%, n=445), with the remaining options being characterized by lower values of consumption frequency (namely, it should be noted that 55.0% (n=257) of respondents consume two or more portions of cooked vegetables daily, 70.0% (n=327) consume less than three pieces of fruit daily, 73.7 % (n=344) consume less than three servings of legumes weekly, 58.0% (n=271) consume less than three servings of fish or shellfish weekly and 71.1% (n=332) of respondents consume less than three weekly portions of oilseeds). As for the respondents' knowledge of the Mediterranean Diet, 68.3% (n=319) know and 69.6% (n=325) think they are a follower and 64.0% (n=299) know the benefits of the Mediterranean Diet. However, the respondents' conviction does not correspond to reality when the correlational analysis is carried out, as well as in the attribution of scores through the PREDIMED index. Effectively, the results obtained in relation to this score showed that young adults acquired six points, which is characterized by having a weak adherence to the Mediterranean Food Standard. Even so, with a slightly higher score, adults (with eight points) were also characterized by poor adherence to the Mediterranean Food Standard, given that to have a good adherence to the Mediterranean Food Standard, ten or more points would be needed.
The Mediterranean Diet is a lifestyle defined and transmitted by the Greeks for thousands of years that encompasses a set of habits, customs, values, beliefs, symbols, preferences and states of soul of which eating habits are also included, since it represents a complete and balanced food model with numerous health benefits. The Western region of Portugal is a very diverse place in vast areas, whether nature, culture or art, thus leading to the creation of a tourist destination with strong reasons to be visited. Additionally, the region gains special importance due to its local gastronomy, making this one of its strengths. This dissertation aimed to study Adherence to the Mediterranean Dietary Pattern in the Western region, making a comparison between young adults and adults. For this, a survey was developed, applied to a sample of 467 respondents, based on others, namely KIDMED and PREDIMED, in order to support the structuring and choice of response options to the questions. On the other hand, it was intended to understand if the knowledge/adherence to the Mediterranean Diet would be influenced/conditioned by those who practice sport regularly (that is, if the fact of doing more or less sports would determine more or less knowledge/adherence to the Mediterranean Diet). Finally, it was also analyzed whether an identifying label of foods associated with the Mediterranean Diet would have recognition/use for consumers. The sample of this survey is composed of 12.2% (n=57) individuals aged between 18 and 25 years, 71.9% (n= 336) individuals aged between 26 and 54 years and 15.8% (n=74) of individuals aged 55 years or older. Most of the sample consists of female elements 74.9% (n=350). Regarding consumption habits, namely the foods that compose the Mediterranean Diet, the results do not show a relevant adherence to the Mediterranean Dietary Pattern. In fact, the food preferences of the surveyed consumers stand out for the preponderance of the use of olive oil in the usual diet, either for cooking or for seasoning (95.3%, n=445), with the remaining options being characterized by lower values of consumption frequency (namely, it should be noted that 55.0% (n=257) of respondents consume two or more portions of cooked vegetables daily, 70.0% (n=327) consume less than three pieces of fruit daily, 73.7 % (n=344) consume less than three servings of legumes weekly, 58.0% (n=271) consume less than three servings of fish or shellfish weekly and 71.1% (n=332) of respondents consume less than three weekly portions of oilseeds). As for the respondents' knowledge of the Mediterranean Diet, 68.3% (n=319) know and 69.6% (n=325) think they are a follower and 64.0% (n=299) know the benefits of the Mediterranean Diet. However, the respondents' conviction does not correspond to reality when the correlational analysis is carried out, as well as in the attribution of scores through the PREDIMED index. Effectively, the results obtained in relation to this score showed that young adults acquired six points, which is characterized by having a weak adherence to the Mediterranean Food Standard. Even so, with a slightly higher score, adults (with eight points) were also characterized by poor adherence to the Mediterranean Food Standard, given that to have a good adherence to the Mediterranean Food Standard, ten or more points would be needed.
Covid-19 Dieta Mediterrânica Oeste Padrão Alimentar Mediterrânico PREDIMED