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  • Assessing the Importance of Work for People with Disabilities at Auchan, Portugal
    Publication . Nogueira, Marta; Sousa, Célia
    The inclusion of People with Disabilities (PwD's) in the labor market is a challenge and a great opportunity for companies. This inclusion process has the power to generate a great social impact in the life of PwD since they can be paid and can also play an important role that makes them feel proud and useful to society. However, this community faces many difficulties both in their inclusion and during their day-to-day work. This paper, therefore, focuses on exploring and understanding how organizations welcome these workers, what emotions they feel and how they manage them, and how well communication takes place in this context. A mixed methodology was used, with recourse to qualitative and quantitative research. Fifty disabled workers and 314 of their co-workers, employees of the Auchan Portugal Group, participated in the study. The results showed that PwD's recognize their emotions when interacting with their co-workers, but most of them disguise themselves when they feel discomfort. The feeling/emotion that mostly characterizes the daily professional life of these people is pride, which refers to the importance that work plays in their daily lives. As for organizational communication, PwD's consider it to be accessible. It was also possible to notice that although most PwD feel integrated, they suggest greater sensitivity from the employer, adapted work, and more accessibility in the workplace.
  • Emotional Intelligence Assessment, Interpersonal Communication and Integration of People With Disabilities in the Portuguese Labour Market
    Publication . Nogueira, Marta; Sousa, Célia; Cuadrado-Gordillo, Isabel
    This research aims to evaluate emotional intelligence, interpersonal communication and the integration of PwD's in the labor market. In this sense, and given the difficulties experienced by these people during the process of labor inclusion, we have tried to: explore and understand the emotions felt by these workers during their working hours and how they manage them; how communication is processed in this context; and also to verify to what extent the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities has improved the process of inclusion. The mixed methodology was used, using qualitative and quantitative research. Fifty workers with disabilities and 314 work colleagues of the Auchan Portugal Group participated in the study. The results showed that the PwD's recognize their emotions when interacting with co-workers, however most disguise them when they feel discomfort, ending up not having a clear communication at the organizational level. Moreover, it was found that, although most PwD's feel integrated, it suggests a greater sensitivity of the employer, adapted work and more accessibility in the workplace.
  • Inteligência emocional e comunicação interpessoal das pessoas com deficiência inseridas no mercado de trabalho
    Publication . Nogueira, Marta; Sousa, Célia
    O presente artigo versa sobre a inteligência emocional, a comunicação interpessoal e a integração de pessoas com deficiência no mercado de trabalho. As pessoas com deficiência enfrentam ainda o preconceito e a discriminação, no que respeita à sua integração no mercado de trabalho. A integração neste meio é vista cada vez mais como um elemento determinante para a inclusão social, a independência económica e a concretização pessoal. Neste âmbito, devido à escassez de estudos existentes e perante a desvantagem vivenciada pelas pessoas com deficiência na inclusão ao mercado de trabalho, procurámos explorar e perceber como é que o mundo organizacional acolhe estes trabalhadores, quais as emoções sentidas e como as gerem no decorrer da jornada de trabalho e, saber ainda como se processa a comunicação neste contexto. A metodologia adotada é de natureza qualitativa e design de estudo de caso, combinando diferentes técnicas e instrumentos, que permitem a obtenção de dados de diferentes tipos e a hipótese de cruzamento e contraste de informação, a saber: entrevistas e questionários.
  • Promoting good practices for equity and inclusion in portuguese Higher Education: a comprehensive approach at the national and institutional level
    Publication . Jerónimo, Miguel; Duarte, Ana Lúcia; Mangas, Catarina Frade; Sousa, Célia; Seco, Graça; Sousa, Patrícia; Santos, Tânia Matos dos
  • Emotional Intelligence, Interpersonal Communication and Integration of People With Disabilities Inserted in the Labor Market
    Publication . Nogueira, Marta; Sousa, Célia; Cuadrado-Gordillo, Isabel
    The main objective of this doctoral research is to understand how the labour market integrates the people with disabilities (PwD's), to understand what emotions they feel and how they generate them throughout the working day, and also to know how communication is processed in the workplace. In this study, the mixed methodology was chosen, using qualitative and quantitative research. In the qualitative methodology, the semi-structured interview was used and in the quantitative methodology, the questionnaire was used. The sample consisted of 50 workers with disabilities and 314co-workers of the same(n=314), employees of the Auchan Portugal Group. Through the results obtained, the PwD's recognize their emotions when interacting with their co-workers, however, most disguise the discomfort felt, not communicating clearly what emotions they felt. Most disabled workers have a high degree of awareness of the emotions experienced in the workplace but are reluctant to communicate these emotions to co-workers. This prevents colleagues from understanding what PwD is feeling and is an obstacle to clear communication.
  • Emotions, communicational process and inclusion of people with disabilities in the work context
    Publication . Nogueira, Marta; Sousa, Célia
    The general objective of this research focuses on understanding how the labor market integrates people with disabilities (PwD), understanding their emotions and how they manage them throughout the work day, and knowing how communication is processed in theworkplace. The following specific objectives were then defined: to know the degree of awareness that disabled workers have about their emotions in their daily interactions in the workplace,and to analyze the communicative interactions of PwD in the work environment. A mixed methodology was chosen, using qualitative and quantitative research. The qualitative methodology used semi-structured interviews, and the quantitative methodology used a questionnaire. The sample was made up of 50 disabled workers and314 co-workers of the same (n=314), employees of the Auchan Portugal Group. The results showed that: of the four dimensions under study (General Perception of Hiring, Emotional Intelligence, Interpersonal Communicationand Integration/Insertion in the workplace) the great majority of PwD co-workers agreedor totally agreed with the items of the four dimensions, which suggests apositive score with the themes under study, the PwDare able to identify the emotions that most characterize the day-to-day at work, but most disguise the discomfort felt and do not clearly communicate to the other what emotion they felt, most PwDcommunicate to the other the behavior that caused them discomfort, PwDdo not consider the communication channels confusing, most PwDfeel integrated in the company and state that no specific adaptation has been made,most of the interviewees suggest a greater sensitivity on the part of the employer and work adapted to the person and his/her disability.
  • The work of people with disabilities in the perception of colleagues and managers
    Publication . Nogueira, Marta; Sousa, Célia
    The main objective of this study was to explore the work of disabled people (PwD) in the perception of colleagues and managers, assessing four dimensions: General Perception of Hiring; Emotional Intelligence; Interpersonal Communication; and Inclusion in the workplace. This study used a quantitative methodology, with a closed answer questionnaire applied via Googleforms. The sample was made up of 314 PwD co-workers, including supervisors (n=314), employees of the Auchan Portugal Group. Data analysis was performed through descriptive and inferential statistics, using SPSS-24.0 software. The results were the following: the vast majority of participants considered that hiring PwD contributes to the social responsibility of the company (92.7%), although a small percentage considered that PwD have more difficulty in understanding a task (30%) and lower productivity (23.6%) [General Perception of Hiring]; most participants are sensitive to the emotions and feelings of PwD (89.2%) [Emotional Intelligence]; part of the participants did not agree or disagree that living with PwD improves the climate of the organization (42%); about half of the co-workers disagreed that PwD do not adopt inappropriate behavior in the organization (51%) [Interpersonal Communication]; the majority considered that PwD are well integrated into the organizational environment (77.1%), were well accepted by all (71.7%) and agree with the legislation that requires companies with 75 or more workers to hire a PwD (82.2%) [Inclusion in the workplace].