Browsing by Issue Date, starting with "2021-08"
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- In-service elementary classroom teachers training in the pedagogical use of technologies in music educationPublication . Milhano, SandrinaThe importance of training in the pedagogical use of technology in the professional development of future elementary school teachers retains a special significance with the current impacts of the COVID-19 on pedagogical practices. The use of technology in primary schools is assumed in the Portuguese curricula and is part of teacher training. However, not all elementary school teachers and future teachers have the confidence and the competencies to implement it in music education classes or to embrace its use in virtual classrooms. The training underlining the professional learning of in-service elementary classroom teachers needed to be adapted to support further future teachers in creating new forms to build significant learning and teaching processes. The current paper seeks to identify in-service elementary classroom teachers learning development needs to better adapt their music education practices at school using technology. In-service elementary Portuguese teachers (16) responded to a questionnaire regarding their difficulties and training needs to better adapt their music education practices at school to online, synchronous and asynchronous strategies and activities. They suggest that some pedagogical competencies in the use of technology in their classes with children are associated with their use of technology as part of their training and most seem to have adapted to the current use of technologies in class. In-service teachers also indicate the need for further development regarding music education pedagogical topics such as strategies to promote their children music learning, learning processes assessment, and integrated approaches to the school curriculum. They expect these pedagogical topics associated with technology requirements in music education to continue as part of their current training in addition to continuous professional learning opportunities.
- A pandemia internacional ocasionada pela doença COVID-19 e o estado de emergência em Portugal: Incursão nos efeitos do confinamento.Publication . Monteiro, Susana Sardinha; Cebola, Cátia MarquesA pandemia ocasionada pelo virús SARS-Cov2 é a primeira deste século e também deste novo milénio. Vários autores afirmam que a repetição, no futuro, de situações similares será uma (quase) inevitabilidade. Assim, importa estudar os seus efeitos e as medidas adotadas no atual contexto, por forma a poder medir-se o impacto das decisões adotadas e potenciar os efeitos positivos da reação futura a uma nova pandemia. Começaremos por plasmar o enquadramento jurídico-constitucional do estado de emergência no nosso país na primeira vaga da pandemia, descrevendo-se seguidamente as restrições impostas e as medidas adotadas legalmente pelo Governo no ensejo de prevenir o lastro do contágio social, tentando o equilíbrio entre a proteção da saúde pública e a abertura económica. Este trabalho restringe-se à análise jurídica das principais medidas adotadas em sede de estado de emergência e do impacto em termos legais que essas medidas causaram, avaliando-se a resposta que os instrumentos jurídicos existentes permitiram durante o confinamento imposto aos cidadãos, designadamente o regime do teletrabalho ou as formas eletrónicas de resolução de conflitos na área do consumo.
- Effects of Exercise Programs on Anxiety in Individuals with Disabilities: A Systematic Review with a Meta-AnalysisPublication . Jacinto, Miguel; Frontini, Roberta; Matos, Rui; Antunes, RaulAnxiety symptoms are increasingly prevalent in individuals and may affect their quality of life. Physical exercise (PE) has been shown to be an effective method for reducing anxiety symptoms in the general population. The present study aimed to identify if PE programs can be a good method to reduce anxiety symptoms in individuals with disabilities, through the methodology of a systematic review with a meta-analysis. The PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, and SPORTDiscus databases were used, considering the period from 2001 to 2021. The descriptors used were: “cerebral palsy”, “motor disability”, “physical disability”, “vision impairment”, “visual impairment”, “vision disability”, “intellectual disability”, “mental retardation”, “intellectual disabilities”, “hearing impairment”, “hearing disability”, “multiple disabilities”, “physical activity”, “exercise”, “sport”, “training”, and “anxiety”, with the Boolean operator “AND” or “OR”. The systematic review with a meta-analysis was carried out in the period between May and June 2021. The Z values (Z-values) obtained to test the null hypothesis, according to which the difference between means is zero, demonstrated a Z = 2.957, and a corresponding p-value of 0.003. Thus, we can reject the null hypothesis, and affirm that PE promotes positive effects and can be a good method or methodology for the reduction of anxiety symptoms of individuals with disabilities.
- A diáspora lusitana contemporânea. Associações e outras redes sociais na emigração portuguesaPublication . Marques, José Carlos; Góis, PedroO interesse global nas práticas de engajamento dos emigrantes em diáspora tem crescido um pouco por todo o mundo. São disso exemplo as políticas ligadas ao retorno de emigrantes qualificados, à promoção de brain gain, ou destinadas a estimular a formação de redes de diáspora. Através de políticas públicas e de uma estratégia de comunicação eficaz poderia ser possível, pelo menos do ponto de vista do país de origem, reverter o sentimento de perda sociológica que representa a emigração de uma parte da sociedade nacional. Baseado num mapeamento global do movimento associativo português, o artigo encontra-se estruturado em duas partes. Na primeira parte, discutem-se as perspetivas teóricas que têm analisado as políticas e as práticas de vinculação dos migrantes aos seus países de origem. Na segunda, partindo da análise da recente emigração portuguesa, analisamse, através de uma proposta de tipologia, as atuais formas organizativas dos portugueses no exterior.
- Local Political Power and Social Protection Policies for Elderly People in the Portuguese Context - An Exploratory StudyPublication . Maurício, Cezarina; Matias, LilieteSince the Carnation Revolution in April of 1974, and the consequent approval of the Portuguese Republic Constitution (1976), the country’s legislative trend has been geared towards the expansion of local government power, in Portugal. This issue has acquired new relevance recently, with the new reconfiguration of the political decentralization process, through Law No. 50/2018, of 16th August. This is a gradual process, still ongoing, and delayed by the current pandemic situation. Local authorities play a decisive role in the country's development, both in the present and in the past. Initially focused on creating essential and basic infrastructures for the people, now includes other concerns, such as social protection. The definition and implementation of social policies, targeted to different populations, has become an essential axis of action, in a country marked by territorial disparities and an aging population. This study aims to understand the role of local administration in the characterization of social policies targeted at senior populations. The present work is a study of qualitative and explorative nature. Using documentary research and content analysis, we identified and characterized the measures aimed at the senior population implemented by two municipalities (Gouveia and Ourém). The analysis of the results allows us to conclude that the municipalities implemented measures that target the elderly population directly. Seniors also benefit from other measures, applicable to other age groups. It is important that the discussion focuses on these measures and the achievement of their goals. Measures to protect the elderly population are urgent, especially in a southern European country like Portugal, that has an ageing population, with a considerable increase in people aged 65 and over.
- Revisão de conteúdos sobre a anatomia e funcionamento da Articulação Temporomandibular: Recurso pedagógico: UC Seminário IPublication . Lopes, InêsNo âmbito da Unidade Curricular de Seminário I do 4º ano, 1º semestre do Curso de Licenciatura em Terapia da Fala, é elaborado o presente recurso pedagógico com o objetivo de suportar o processo de ensino/aprendizagem, desenvolvimento o conhecimento do Estudante sobre os diferentes conteúdos que integram esta Unidade Curricular. Esta Unidade Curricular está focada na aquisição de conhecimentos sobre Terapia Manual, que permitem ao Estudante complementar a sua intervenção na área da Motricidade e Sensibilidade Orofacial e Deglutição, no contexto de intervenção do Terapeuta da Fala. Desta forma, os conteúdos programáticos integram uma análise mais aprofundada da Articulação Temporomandibular (ATM), suas características e disfunções, entre outros. Neste sentido, este recurso pedagógico pretende compilar as informações relevantes sobre a ATM, por forma a consolidar conhecimentos e preparar o Estudante para abordar os conteúdos relacionados com a Terapia Manual no tratamento da Disfunção Temporomandibular (DTM).
- Nursing students’ knowledge about basic life supportPublication . Duarte, Hugo Miguel Santos; Dixe, Maria dos Anjos Coelho RodriguesKnowledge about basic life support (BLS) in nursing students involves both technical skills (compressions and ventilations) and non-technical skills (clinical judgment and decision-making). Objectives: To assess nursing students’ sociodemographic and academic characteristics; to assess nursing students’ theoretical knowledge about BLS and analyze the association between nursing students’ sociodemographic and academic characteristics and their theoretical knowledge about BLS. Methodology: Observational, descriptive, and correlational study with a sample of 496 nursing students selected using a nonprobability convenience sampling technique in two schools in the central region of Portugal. Results: Students demonstrated a good level of knowledge about BLS, with an average of 30.93 ± 2.29 on a scale from 0 to 37 points. They had a very good level of knowledge about safety conditions, the technical components of airway assessment, chest compressions, and ventilations. The level of knowledge is associated with age, year of undergraduate studies, and practical experience in BLS. Conclusion: Students have a good level of knowledge about BLS.
- Os Desafios da Inclusão Laboral das Pessoas com DeficiênciaPublication . Nogueira, Marta; Sousa, CéliaEste trabalho tem como objetivo perceber como se dá o processo de inclusão da Pessoa com Deficiência (PcD) na empresa, explorar as suas emoções nas interações diárias no seu local de trabalho, e analisar as interações comunicativas das PcD em contexto laboral, explorando também a perceção dos seus colegas de trabalho. Foi utilizada a metodologia mista, com recurso à pesquisa qualitativa e quantitativa. Participaram no estudo 50 trabalhadores com deficiência e 314 colegas de trabalho das mesmas, funcionários do Grupo Auchan Portugal. Os resultados permitiram verificar que o orgulho é sentimento mais reportado pela PcD no dia a dia de trabalho, que cerca de metade das PcD não diz ao outro qual a emoção sentida e disfarça o desconforto das emoções sentidas, que a comunicação na empresa é acessível, clara e que a interação entre PcD e responsáveis/colegas é constante e colaborativa. Em relação aos colegas de trabalho, estes consideram que a contratação destas pessoas contribui para a responsabilidade social da empresa,que existe uma boa comunicação com a PcD, e que a empresa tem o objetivo de promover a inclusão social da PcD. Apesar da maioria das PcD se sentir integrada, sugere uma maior sensibilidade da entidade empregadora e trabalho adaptado. Espera-se que esta investigação contribua para o aumento do conhecimento científico e para promover o processo de inclusão das PcD no mercado de trabalho.
- Exercícios de Anatomofisiologia: Recurso Pedagógico: UC AnatomofisiologiaPublication . Lopes, Inês; Graça, AnaNo âmbito da Unidade Curricular de Anatomofisiologia do 1º ano, 1º semestre do Curso de Licenciatura em Terapia da Fala, é elaborado o presente recurso pedagógico com o objetivo de suportar o processo de ensino/aprendizagem, desenvolvimento o conhecimento do Estudante, através de um conjunto de exercícios práticos que integram os diferentes conteúdos lecionados ao longo da Unidade Curricular.
- Life satisfaction of Paralympians: The role of needs satisfaction and passionPublication . Rodrigues, Filipe; Mageau, Geneviève A.; Lemelin, Emilie; Teixeira, Diogo; Vitorino, Anabela; Cid, Luis; Monteiro, DiogoThe current study examined the possible role of basic psychological needs and passion in Paralympians’ life satisfaction. A mediational model was tested where autonomy, competence and relatedness were hypothesized to be linked to athlete life satisfaction via harmonious and obsessive passion. The sample comprised 91 Portuguese Paralympians aged between 18 and 59 years (M = 31.01; SD = 3.78). Athletes completed self-reports of needs satisfaction in their sport, passion towards their sport, and general life satisfaction. Perceptions of competence and relatedness were associated with harmonious passion (β = .37, p > .01; β = .21, p > .05, respectively), while perceptions of autonomy were associated with obsessive passion (β = .39, p > .05). Additionally, harmonious passion, but not obsessive passion, was associated with life satisfaction (β = .40, p > .01), and only the indirect effect from competence to life satisfaction, via harmonious passion, was significant. These results suggest that feeling autonomous may not necessarily translate into more harmonious passionate engagement but is associated with higher levels of obsessive passion. In contrast, competence and relatedness appear to play an important role in the life of athletes who experience a more harmonious passion towards their sport practice. Perceptions of mastery and competence, as well as sport-related social connections could be important to consider improving the lives of athletes with Paralympic experience.
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