Whilst currently existing modelling approaches of reinforced concrete behaviour allow a reasonably
accurate prediction of flexural response, the determination of its shear counterpart needs further
developments. There are various modelling strategies in literature able to predict the shear response and the
shear-flexure coupling under monotonic loading conditions. However, very few are the reported models
that have demonstrated successful results under cyclic loading, as in the seismic load case. These
considerations lead to this research work focused on the development of a flexure-shear model for
reinforced concrete beam-column elements. A reliable constitutive model for cracked reinforced concrete
subjected to cyclic loading was implemented as bi-axial fibre constitutive model into a two-dimensional
Timoshenko beam-column element. Aim of this research work is to arrive at the definition of a numerical
model sufficiently accurate and, at the same time, computationally efficient, that will enable
implementation within a Finite Element package for nonlinear dynamic analysis of existing non seismically
designed RC structures that are prone to shear-induced damage and collapse.
Fibre element Shear deformations Seismic analysis Reinforced concrete frames