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Blind Prediction Tests as a Benchmark to Improve the Seismic Response of Fibre Models

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The seismic behaviour of reinforced concrete framed structures involves a number of nonlinear material and geometrical phenomena that are impossible to model exhaustively in a single model. Furthermore, past studies showed that the most correct modelling options from the scientific viewpoint are sometimes challenged by experimental results. Over the years, attempts have been made to identify and measure the importance of different modelling options. This work intends to consolidate some of these findings and further extend them in order to progressively bridge the gap between solidly established theoretical principles and shaking table test results. The response of three different structures used in international blind prediction test challenges serves as benchmark to assess the goodness-of-fit of alternative numerical solutions. The interpretation of the results highlights the sensitivity of the response with respect to the modelling choices and provides indications towards the development of optimized numerical analyses.




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