Sousa, Pedro Miguel LopesGaspar, PedroFonseca, Helena2018-07-302018-07-302015 and Purpose: This study tests the psychometric properties of the Adherence to Weight Control Questionnaire, a new screening tool to measure treatment adherence (TAWC) and the risk of nonadherence to weight control (RNAWC) in adolescents. Methods: Participants are 92 adolescents (12–18 years old) from a pediatric obesity clinic. Construct validity were evaluated using a principal axis factoring method with varimax rotation. Reliability and criterion-related validity of both scales were also checked. Results: Both scales presented good reliability values (.770 and .908). Statistical analyses yielded a 1-factor solution for the RNAWC and a 4-factor solution for the TAWC. Criterion-related validity of scales was also checked. Conclusions: Results showed that this theory-driven measure of adherence to weight control has adequate psychometric properties to support both research and the clinical practice.engAdolescentAdolescent Health ServicesChildFemaleHumansMalePediatric ObesityReproducibility of ResultsSurveys and QuestionnairesAdolescent BehaviorPatient CompliancePsychometricsWeight Reduction ProgramsDevelopment and Preliminary Validation of the Adherence to Weight Control Questionnairejournal article10.1891/1061-3749.23.2.224